Monday, May 4, 2009

Find a reason to smile :D

2.08am, Tuesday, 05/05/2009, Windy

Recently the amount of sleep I had lessened as I am now preparing for my exam while in the day, I got to work thus I got to spread my 100% strength and energy on both areas which is a mental and physical challenge for me.

I can't believe that even in my dream, I was thinking how to type out the emails @ work, when sharing with one of my colleague, G, he was laughing all the way till the bus reached Jurong Point.

24 th May is my last day for exam, hope it will come quickly.
The road of freedom~

Hope I can do well for my exam...

Well, this year seems to be a year of changes, with friends, getting married in 2009 concluding their BGR relationship to a new leap which shocks me...but I will not do SUCH moves especially when a bright future is awaiting in 2 to 3 years time..

Two of my friends, S and L are getting married, however, I gained two new friends @ work, J and S as well as other colin's friends who might seen different yet there are nice people after all.

Well, for friends whom had made decision to get married, congrats.

The road to freedom is in my hands so I will not let anyone to grab them unless I found the right person.

Staying at home
Surfing the net and sleeping are the main activities @ home. Recently, to keep myself smiling, I had been listening and youtube-ing on MVs and some comedy videos.

The below youtube picture is an indian lady who sang twinkle twinkle little star in different versions.

If you find hard to smile, or no reason to smile due to stress, hope this link do help you to smile for a while...


This week is a long weekend though I got to work on saturday but I guess, the thursday and friday did replenish the amount of rest I needed.

This is one of the picture I took while leaving my home to buy dinner. Real amazed that such beautiful sunset can be seen.

Marina is one of the place I really like. The singapore flyer is always the best view seen with ECP and the CBD area which I just to work...or everyone rush to work, at nite, it can be a place with silent and calmness.

Dinner @ Jack Place

I can't remember when was the last time I visited Jack place for dinner, maybe N years ago, keong and his galfren, desmond, yuan, kah leng, colin and I were having dinner @ Jack place, Heeren.

Dinner is simply delicious yet it makes the journey to lose weight after meal more difficult.

Mushroom soup, the starter and my favourite!

Brownie and strawberry ice cream for desseerts...

I deserve a good treat!

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