Sunday, May 17, 2009

One more week

12.12am, Monday, 18/05/09, Raining
It's another raining day.
It seems that whenever I wanna go for swim or doing my self-study @ SIM or Ngee Ann, it will be raining cats and dogs, and while I am back @ work, it will be a hot and sunny day.

I am someone who loves sunny day. Maybe because of the fact that gloomy and rainy day creates a disappointing atmosphere so I began to 'dislike' such weather.
This year, seems to be having lots of changes happening, a mix of emotions, things to celebrate about and things to be troubled...
Used to be troubling about, unable to perform up to my own expectation and somehow, I am on-leave for my exam, thus I will definitely be worried if I can pick myself and the pact of the work.

@ SIM Uni. (2.22pm - 18/05/09)
I just arrived at school, Ngee Ann Poly, the usual study area was packed with people. I walked all the way to SIM, hoping to find a place, a quiet place to study.

A hungry man is a angry man...
It is true, after lunch, feeling refresh yet hopefully, this is the effect towards 11pm...
Cos it will be another late night at school...

My Poly mates and Friends and their loved ones...
Sherline and another whom dislike to be mention, I shall name her Ms L met up one week later after Sister marriage. She looked fresh and had been resting well for the entire week.

Our lunch @ Sakae Sushi was like a gossip and update session with the two ladies. Yet, this year, both my "sis" are married..For me, still single, but it is a privilege.

Wish them a happy marriage...
My best "Sister"

Desmond and Winnie
The met up @ Jurong point New York New York was planned quite some time ago, I was shocked to see Des appeared online but instead, it was Winnie who was chatting with me. Winnie and I were coordinating our efforts to celebrate for Da Xiong 's birthday.

The model husband and wife in the group, always have their ways to make each other happy, I guess, because both are willing to accept and compromise differences in life which make them such a happily, married couple.

The Birthday "boy"..."Man"..."Uncle"..."old man"?

The single and handsome Jeff...haha!

Jun Yuan and Kah Leng
The couple who always have their way to spice up their life with ...

Their relationship...hmm..Unknown!
Are they "gay"? gay =means happy!
Are they happy! Yes definitely!

My order, the best meal for the week!

The half BBQ chicken served with wedges.
Everyone ordered, Root Beer with Ice cream.

Music Review
Ru Xue Rui (kai Bu Kai Ai Wo)
可不可以爱我 (卢学睿)
One of my favourite, new song sang by Xin Guang (1) Ru Xue Rui. He was from the same competition with Yoga Lin, Aska Yang coming in 4th in the competition, however, he was the first to release his first album yet he is the most popular in terms of album sales and promoting him.

This song truly describe the kind of emotional instability of someone who unable to be loved by someone they like and still have to congratulate their loved one with someone else...

Xie An Qi, Kay Tse ( sound like Cathay...Oops!)
Huan Song hui (欢送会 - 谢安琪)

This is a canto hit which received the Best 2008 hit of the year in many Hongkong music awards. Xi te jie is the canto title.

When I first hear this song, around me, 2 colleagues are leaving, thus it does describe the kind of saying goodbye to friends whom you might miss or people that you have to depart from your circle of friends.

Just like the kind of departure from the place, the person you loved when he or she got to leave you, though the person might not be around, you have your blessing and love shared within your heart for the person.

Yet, the smile, happiness, joy and memories are the best kept memories that will stay in both...

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