Monday, May 25, 2009

The fond and ugly memories

4.50am, Tuesday, 26/05/09, Windy
Sometimes in life, many things you will never find an answer, especially people behaviour and the complexity of the thinking of people you may or may not know.
I will say, for those who had eliminated by judging by their capability, you are not that capable too!
And for those we had work hard, but people can't see it, there are really blind or way before they are really blind in reality...
Well, there will be people who appreciate our presence and talent, the package that we had in our self, this is called personality traits.
Everyone is unique in our ways, we don't have to compromise to change for other people, be yourself, if you feel that you are unique.

On Friday, I tried to sleep well, after drinking this with a group of unknown friends of Colin.
Hmm, I will say, there are just my friend's friends so no big deal after all.
Monday (25/05/09)
Me, and 3 other friends, who are my ex-colleagues had a great time with live music @ Wala Wala.
It was a wonderful nite...
Act coughing...
On the day when I was judge to be eliminate in the circle, I was wondering my capability, but one thing for sure, my beloved Dad and God had showed me the cruel of the real world. Thus, I am not guilt of what is not done, or not perfectly done to someone expectation, at least, throughout the process, I feel that I had a hard time yet it was a test of my hardworking attitude to remain positive to all external factors everywhere and the coldness of people.
Yet in return, I gained 2 great friends, Shirley, Jardine who gave me the confidence that I can speak well, though ok only.
And Meixing, my Mentor who guide me along throughout the process and set a high standard no one can replace, as well as 2 other eating kakis, Ms M and Ms E whom I will think of and smiles as they truly made my presence worth. My ex-colleagues, Ms L and Mr G who I added them in facebook, work hard ba!
You guys can do well!
Music Review
Jolin Tsai 's Latest album, butterfly, has moved her career a new leap with outstanding sales record and her dance, which kept her popularity of her album in limelight in the entertainment news.
Upcoming promotion events:
**Butterfly Jolin Tsai Music Showcase @ Max Pavilion 8pm (Thursday) 28 May 09
**Friday autograph session @ Lot 1 (Friday) 7pm
**Saturday autograph session @ Jurong Point (Saturday) 1pm
One of the songs that I personally enjoy listening is her album 4th hits, Slow Life, yue mian yue mei li.
It is an attitude of life, and speaks of Jolin Tsai hoping to slow down her life in different areas whereby we are always rushing to complete all the things around us.
Sometimes, we should slow down our pace to enjoy every moments of life to reflect to all stuff as we only live once
The second song that I began to like the song is the title: Compromise
Are you someone who always compromise?
Or someone who want people to compromise to your request?
To find out the answer, Jolin Tsai new song, compromise, has the answer to your doubt.
Starring Ran Jing Tian in the MV, it brings lots of topics and shine to the MV especially to Ran Jing Tian and Jolin Tsai fans.
The third song that I would like to recommend is by this Hongkong Group, Farmer. They are really talented with their songs and hits, as it reflect how Hongkong fans and people living in the society view...
This song was played in Yes933, starring Ji Xing Pei (Hongkong Singer).
Title: Hua Tai Bu Tong.
You will surely enjoy the fun of the song...

1 comment:

  1. Hi JEFFF>>>>

    Congratulations for your ORD! All the best for your future... You can do it man! No need to be hassle over your directions. Just seek from HIM and he will arrange for ya! Just do your best to find/search..

    All the best man! See you guys again this month!



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