Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Exams ahead

5.22pm, Tuesday, 12/05/2009, Windy
It was raining heavily while making my way to school. Today is the start of my first paper, feeling sort of relax yet tense, as this is my first paper. Thus more or less, I will be more focus to do well. However, the other 3 papers are more worried, especially Business, government, and society and Management as this are two modules, which are very difficult concepts which I feel, lots of time had to be placed in self-study.

For Management, either I did not place in lots of efforts or the tutor 's problem of not able to grab my focus and interest, while if this course is taught by Dr Kanjula, things will be different.

Though, it was declared as the exam week, and I was pleased that my company was able to allow me to take unpaid leave for my exams. And I guess, the best way to reward myself and make sure, such leaves are not wasted, is by doing well for the next 3 papers and all the papers.

On Saturday(12/05/09)

I attended one of my best poly friends wedding dinner on Saturday.

Sherline and Dennis wedding day, an important day that marks the change of status and the day they officially declared husband and wife.

Though knowing that they are getting married, I was delighted for them within me. Yet, I feel that since Sis had found the right person, as his best friend and "sister" or "brother", I should be there for the wedding, though there are other reason not to attend apart from exam and busy schedule, however, I make the move and green light to attend this reunion dinner more than a wedding to me.

Though there are many doubts of sister choice of marriage, yet as her best friend, the one and only thing is to give her my blessing and wish her a happy and smooth journey ahead.

This are the two photos that we took on Saturday. 2 classmates whom I had not met for years had appeared in sis 's wedding.

Meimei and De hua was there.

Despite, there are some stuff that occurred during the wedding, delays, some comments etc.

Yet at the end of the day, we can pleased no one, so whether or not, you enjoy the day, it is up to individual and to the couples whom might hear some stuff that day, I feel that such comments should just be comments who people make to create curiosity.

I feel pretty impressive and delighted for the couple especially, Dennis used music to warm the Sis's heart whom she might be tired after a long day

Music Review

Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) from Twins had recently released a canto album.

There is this song in chinese version which I feel, it does describe the kind of loneliness whereby you temporary lose a close friend around you, those both of you are close, yet there are distance between the both of you.


Another song which had been one of my favourite songs is by Raymond Lam from TVB and Vincy Yung .

The title of the song is After Tomorrow.

This song is about a friend, who likes each other, but did not express their love. And in the end, they are just friends, in this song, Raymond Lam giving his best friend, his best wishes as the girl choose another guy.

Though in life, you may like the person, yet, not having to be together might be even the best choice for both, as seeing someone is able to receive love and concern from the other party is better than seeing both remaining single as she is under the care and love of someone else who can promise a future for your friend or the person you used to love.


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