Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Monday bruise or Monday blues?!

7.19pm, 02/09/2009, Wednesday, Hot
Certainly when you reached the age whereby you have say goodbye to school life and begin your work life, you might be excited and looking forward to the school life that you always hated. Yet, when you are at the situation whereby you begin your work life, you will realised the “pure”, carefree school life, you and your friends enjoyed during school life and the most hated homework and lessons are things in life which you will deeply missed.

I begin this week post by stating this fact is because not because I had a hard time at work but I simply do not understand some people and the ways their style of doing things which are foolish and childish. Workplace let me have the chance to meet different kinds of humans who you will never understanding the things they do and the aim of them doing certain things in order to achieve their motive.

Don’t worry for me, from the first day when I started working, I was told about this from my ex-employer, Auntie Connie.

She was my first boss when I started work in a bookstore which was many years back. I was lucky to be under supervision, as she taught and given me lots of chance to perform and realise my abilities.

Today, times had changed.

Many fond memories at Ghim Moh Secondary which my beloved friends shared are often becoming the coffee talks and topics of interest which we will remember and spent time to dig them out to life.

Last Saturday (29/08/2009) @ 3 Monkeys Restaurant

3 monkeys! (but only one is present)
3 Monkeys Menu

During this one week term break, all I wanted is a break, apart from hitting the gym to work out and keeping a healthy mind. I had met up with my secondary best friends, Kai Boon and Xiu Ling @ Holland Village 3 Monkeys.
Peanuts served @ 3 Monkeys.

Chips With cheese! (For Cheese lovers only)
Hot tea
The atmosphere is cosy which is a recommended place for gathering, birthday party etc. We ordered the signature seafood pasta, Chicken Alfredo, Catch of the day-dory fish served mushroom sauce, topped with broccoli and cauliflower.
Catch of the day-dory fish served mushroom sauce, topped with broccoli and cauliflower
Seafood pasta
Chewy Junior fruits puff
The last met up was months ago. But I warmed with the belated gift from Kai Boon, its fruit puffs from chewy junior. She brought it specially from me this afternoon at Jurong Point. It is packed with 9 different flavours of fruit puffs, including chocolate, blueberry, strawberry, almond with chocolate, mango etc as shown below.
Fruit puffs from Chewy Junior@ Jurong Point
The Unusual route home!

Xiu Ling, Me and Kai Boon

Paparazzri following us?
Who is she?

Sunday (30/08/2009) @Sakae Sushi
Xian Hui, Xiu Ling and I met up @ Tiong Bahru for lunch. It was an unplanned meal with the girls. It was informed the day before however; Kai Boon and Albert were unable to come down due to their own commitments.

I guess able to spend time to updates with friends about recent life happenings is a great thing to do in a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Music Review - David Tao Opus 69 album
A short intro of David Tao - Opus 69 album
After his "123 We Are All Wooden Men" world tour, Taiwan's "Music Godfather" David Tao comes back with his new album in three years titled Opus 69. The number in the title references a number of things, among which is that it's the singer-songwriter's 6th album and 9th CD. Besides, David was born in the summer of '69, and the symbol of his zodiac sign, Cancer, resembles "69".
Moreover, in the ancient text of I-Ching, 6 and 9 symbolize "change" and "rebirth", and the numbers when pronounced in Japanese are similar to "rock", which is what this highly anticipated album is about! David puts aside his famous R&B style to return to his musical roots in rock music for this band sound-oriented album, which comes with new songs like "Your Song", "Zero to Hero", "Adoration", and "RE.DT".

His last album was released 3 years ago, Too Beautiful. This album has a collection of 14 tracks which a mix of fast, love songs etc. His first Hit 火鳥功 (Huo Niao Gong) the artiste himself wanted to bring out his self and attitude to life whereby we should be having this inner spirits that keep us going if we are put down with negative comments. The impression got deeper if the track is repeated in your player yet you might get irritated with the style of presentation by David Tao if you are certainly not a fan of his songs.

The 2nd hits I would like to recommend is radio-friendlier and I guess, most listeners will choose from the album as this is a loved songs which will touch the hearts of many people.

The lyrics of the song, Secret Love (暗戀):

Songs recommended from the album:
Track 5: 火鳥功 (Huo Niao Gong)
Track 3: 暗戀 (Secret Love)
Track 6: 雪豹 (Snow Leopard)
Track 13: 你的歌 (Your Song)
Rating 3.9 out of 5
Excited about Singapore Hits Awards?
Nomination list for 15th Anniversary Singapore Hits Awards 2009

最佳演绎男歌手奖 曹格/《超级4th场》方大同/《橙月》王力宏/《心.跳》萧敬腾/《王妃》周杰伦/《魔杰座》

最佳演绎女歌手奖 陈绮贞 /《太阳 》梁静茹 /《静茹&情歌-别再为他流泪》梁文音/《爱的诗篇》徐佳莹 /《徐佳莹首张创作专辑》张惠妹 /《阿密特意识专辑》

最佳本地歌手奖 陈伟联 /《走唱 陈伟联》黄义达 /《写给自己的歌》林俊杰 /《陆》迷路兵/《三角行》潘嘉丽/《Smiling Kelly》 最佳专辑制作人奖Edward Chan、Charles Lee、 方大同/《橙月》林暐哲/《春.日光》五月天/《后青春期的诗》钟成虎/《太阳》周杰伦/《魔杰座》
最佳单曲制作人奖 Edward Chan、Charles Lee、 方大同/《黑白》林暐哲/《日光》五月天/《你不是真正的快乐》周杰伦/《 稻香》周杰伦/《 说好的幸福呢》

最佳本地作曲奖《如燕》/陈佳明《思念》/蔡健雅《疼憨人》/黄韵仁《同花顺》/林倛玉《小酒窝》/林俊杰最佳组合奖大嘴巴/《王元口力口》飞轮海/《越來越爱》棉花糖/《小飞行》S.H.E/《我的电台 FM S.H.E》神木与瞳/《为你而活》

最佳乐团奖 董事长/《花光他的钱》迷路兵/《三角行》苏打绿/《春.日光》Tizzy Bac/《如果看见地狱 我就不怕鬼》五月天/《后青春期的诗》

优秀新人奖 冰淇淋少女组/《1st 最棒》陈乃荣/《Paradise》高以爱/《Alisa同名专辑》黄靖伦/《伦语录》黄文星/《我的亿万面包电视原声带》纪佳松/《Blue J》梁文音/《爱的诗篇》棉花糖/《小飞行》神木与瞳/《为你而活》魏如昀/《傻》夏宇童/《雨瞳》谢和弦/《虽然很芭乐》徐佳莹/《徐佳莹首张创作专辑》杨佳盈/《12莲花电影原声带》张芸京/《破天荒》卓义峰/《贩卖温柔》

最受欢迎男歌手奖 陈奕迅, 方大同, 何维健, 林俊杰, 罗志祥, TANK, 王力宏, 萧敬腾, 言承旭, 周杰伦
最受欢迎女歌手奖 蔡依林, 蔡卓妍, 陈绮贞, 郭静, 梁静茹, 梁文音, 刘力扬, 萧亚轩, 杨丞琳, 卓文萱
最受欢迎团体奖 棒棒堂, 大嘴巴, 动力火车, ENERGY, 飞轮海, 迷路兵, S.H.E, 神木与瞳, 苏打绿, 五月天
最受欢迎新人奖 黄靖伦, 黄文星, 纪佳松, 梁文音, 棉花糖, 神木与瞳, 谢和弦, 徐佳莹, 杨佳盈, 张芸京
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