Saturday, September 12, 2009

School Term Holiday Ended

4.36pm, 12/12/2009, Saturday, Sunny
Picture featuring Xiu Ling, Me and our dear birthday girl, Kai Boon!

Happy Birthday, kai Boon!
Best Wishes from Me, Albert, Xiu Ling and Xian Hui, May all wishes come true!
13th September 2009 (Happy Birthday, Boon!)

At this moment, I am @ SIM Library after my dental appointment this morning and working out at the gym.

@ School
I just a new term on Monday, the course I am taking this semester is organisational psychology and it was one of the modules which one of my classmates discussed and opt for this module just hoping we are able to be in the same class, but sadly, we were separated and placed at different class. It was pleased to see her outside class during our tea break.

As for Thursday class, I will be attending the class at night later, I opt for a resit for this paper as I was really disappointed with my grades, and thus I had chosen to resit the paper hopefully to achieve better grades.

There is an assignment on hand which I hope I can start my research on by the end of the week.

Wednesday (09/09/2009)
Finally I managed to meet up with my ex-colleagues and friends for dinner @ Jurong Point. I am still keeping in contact with them though it was heartbreaking to be sharing the sorrow memories with this group of ex-colleagues.

Well, the conversation that we had @ Sunset Way and Jurong Point, I shall not elaborate our conversation as I just want to protect my friend who is still working at the company and also the parties involved.

I just wish everyone all the best in our future plan ahead.

May we be strong to all face all odds as we deserve the best!

Over the weekend (Last Saturday)
I spent my Saturday to do self-study @ school as new term is commencing soon and in order to ensure I am able to understand my textbooks and came prepared for class. I had planned to do my own self-study.

Yet just as I thought this weekend will simply be me and my textbooks accompanying me for the rest of the weekend. Wei Keong gave me a call to join Jun Yuan, Kah Leng for dinner, and without hesitation, I agree to meet up for dinner with the group.

@ Upper Bukit Timah
Wei Keong, Jun Yuan, Kah Leng and I went to this Chinese restaurant which I forgot the name, but it is located opposite Beauty World Shopping Centre and it is next to a Korean BBQ restaurant.

We ordered a couple of dishes which I like to recommend to my regular viewers and friends.

We enjoyed the cereal Fried Tofu. The tofu is crispy on the outside and it is not oily on the inside of the tofu.

The Fried Chicken Wing is also a must-try as the meat is really tender.

The butter-prawn is reasonable tasty and fresh but it can be found at other restaurant so it did not impress me overall.

The stir fried vegetable is a must to balance and maintain a healthy diet.

Desserts after Meal @ Holland Village, Haagen Dazs

We actually wanted to have desserts instead of ice cream yet the nearest desserts stores were closed by the time we drove down, thus we decided to head down to Holland Village instead for ice cream.

Haagen Dazs was the choice.

Haagen Dazs @ Holland Village had brought back lots of memories that me and another friend of mine shared. We used to come here once a month as both of us simply loved sweet stuff and desserts. Thus, whenever possible, we will create own ice cream which her favourite is cookies and cream and the chocolate.

Kah Leng and I created our own ice cream, 3 spoons with Summer berries, Belgian Chocolate, and Rum and raisin with almond dry toppings and cameral sauce.

Pictures taken @ different angles!

Wei Keong ordered the cookies and cream, chocolate favours mixed as for Jun Yuan, he ordered a drink.

Though times flies, yet the memories that me and the friends shared will always be the best memories during my poly days.

Music Review

AMIT is Ah Mei new icon, I simply love her new song 相愛後動物感傷 as it is describe how an animal feel left out after her owner had found her love.

The MV was amazing as the content is R21, if you don't believe it,
Click on the below link to check it out.

As before I was aware of the MV content, AMIT (Ah Mei) new songs MVs especially 相愛後動物感傷 was banned on Taiwan MTV channels which I was pretty annoyed.I certainly feel that the censorship board should reconsider as music is still the selling point instead of the nudity content.

Though the MV is not allowed to be played on MTV channel, but this is a song which I would like to recommend to all listeners and bloggers.

Lyrics of 相愛後動物感傷

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