Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Soon to come!

6.58pm, Wednesday, 26/08/2009, Windy

It is the sixth week of the school term, which means term two will commencing two weeks from now. I just attending my last lesson for Communication SSC101e, it is a blended course material of both online and three interactive class sessions with my classmates.

I will not comment as one of the best class that I had attend as a second year student, but I guess, interactive lessons are too few to actually mix around to know new friends or classmates, which is the problems that lie with the system.

Most of my classmates were either mothers or fathers at home who already has kids and married, which for me, I am really young but I guess that is the part which interest me to know more classmates in any class.

If only, we have more breathing space and time to enjoy the lessons instead of just preparing for the exams in November or TMA (Tutor-marked assignments) which we need to submit at least one assignment per module.

I am trying to get used to this way of schedule since last year July, though compared to first year which I did face some problems adapting to the system.

I was on my own.

Time just passed when you know it is time to leave this module to the next term commences.
Well, I am really looking forward to next terms which will be commencing soon, yet, I guess, this week, I had to enjoy myself with the company of friends and contacts, and slowing down in my pace in doing the things I like, which I had not for the past two weeks due to work and rushing out assignments.

Recently, due to the time constraints and the lack of sleep of the need to meet all deadline for my assignments, coffee has become one of my best friends to keep me awake.

My choice: Alicafe

Alicafe ad featuring Raymond Lam.

Music Review - Fan Wei Qi – F1 album
Songs are the best tools to express your emotions with the aid of lyrics.
Christine Fan Wei Qi had released her new album this month, name F1 (Fan 1st).

This album is rich in content and variant in colour and songs selections which Fan Fan can offer to her listeners. As compared to her past albums, this is one of the best albums so far I had heard.

The songs which I like to recommend is track 4 from her F1 album titled Grey Rainbow (灰色的彩虹).
Have you wonder how rainbow can turned grey?
Well, probably the grey clouds which had darken and threaten the sky or referring to our inner world which often gets gloomy because of situations that crossed our mind leave us with emptiness of our next path we should head down in life.

Lyrics of the song: Grey Rainbow

Other hits recommended in Fan Wei Qi (F1 Album):

Track 01. 1 to 10 equal Me and You (1到10=我和你)
Track 09. Love is Blind (愛的盲點)
Track 10. Simile and Goodbye (微笑說再見)

Overall rating for the album 3.7 out of 5.

Second recommendated Album
Joey Yung – Very Busy Album

Joey Yung has just released her new Chinese album. In Hong Kong, we definitely do not doubt Joey Yung’s Canto songs and her diva identify in Hong Kong yet in the Chinese market as a whole, in Taiwan, Singapore, China, Malaysia etc, some of us might not be familiar with her songs or simply know one or two songs from her previous album.

To me, it is really rewarding to be able to hear Joey’s new Chinese album as I am seriously getting tired of newcomers in the Taiwan music industry who had been labeling themselves as newcomer or identify such as composer and music producers in the past. I just feel, they are just another new singer in the entertainment industry which will not leave a strong impact unlike Jolin, Elva, Ah Mei, Jay, Show Lou, Leehom etc.

Yet Joey Yung has proved her abilities and her improvement in her new album. The song I like to recommend Is This Love? (Zhe jiu Si Ai Ma). Though you can hear the pronouncing of words do contain some ascent from a canto diva, yet this is the uniqueness of Hong kong artistes which Sammi, Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok inherit this special features and selling point, let fans remember their voice even till now.

This album has a variety of songs yet I am still expecting more songs to bring the variance of Joey Yung as a icon of Chinese music industry which you can simply find it in her canto songs. But overall, this album is worth supporting.

Youtube Link

Lyrics of the song- Is this love?
A song written by Local singer and talent, JJ Lin.

Other Songs recommended:
Track 6. 很忙 Heng Mang (Very Busy)
Track 8. 夢非夢 Meng Fei Meng (Dream Isn't Dream)
Track 10. Yong Yuan De Ai Ren (Eternal Lover)

Overall rating for the album: 3.9 out of 5.

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