Friday, September 18, 2009


1.06pm, Saturday, 19.09.2009, Raining

Despite the fact that this is a long weekend, yet currently, I had to spend the next couple of days on my organisational psychology assignment. I do hope that I will be able to finish the assignment as soon as possible most probably tonight.

In order for me to enjoy the next few days with sufficient rest I had to burn midnight oil to enjoy the fruit of success.

On Friday (11th September 2009)@ Yes933 voice audition
I always like singing and DJ-ing and if there is chance to prove myself and participate in such audition, I will give it a try to test my boldness and to be part of the audition and provided I had the time as I always hated office job but because of factors I can't change, I had to take it or leave it.

The previous voice audition I went for was one year ago - the Xing Guang Da Dao - season 3 audition. One of my best buddies, BJ was there to support me, though those I was not selected to be in the top few, but I just enjoy the process as it is really a test of patience and boldness.

Last Friday, I had gone to MediaCorp for Yes933 SHA(Singapore Hits Awards) voice audition after work, as there is this chance of those who was selected in the voice audition will have the chance to sing the theme song onstage with artistes at Singapore Indoor Stadium, thus I just wanna give it a try.

I was really thankful for Yes933 for having this video footage of some of the particants during the voice audition, I was pleased to have a few seconds of myself singing the theme song.

For more information of Singapore Hits Awards and the video footage of me in the audition, check out @

@ Work
Sometime I do hope that I will not have to work as working life is such a complex environment, a minute, you can be smiling with that person, and a minute later, both of you are looking at each other with such ferocious physical appearance.

I began to realise the fact that some teachers had told me in the past, study life is still the best time ever, once this years of education had completed, you will definitely miss the greatest memories that you and your classmates shared.

I certainly agree with this sentence that I had stated as I feel that earning money and working for other is a pain and the environment which you will be tiresome as you need to interact with people to ensure interpersonal relationship is well-maintained at the same time, you have to be productivity and effective in delivering your work.

I began to dislike the usual 8 to 5 working environment or even sitting in front of the computer for hours to produce your work.

Well maybe I just hate to be bounded with work at the office at least one third of the day.

I love the sun and the beach.

David Birthday Celebration @ Holland Village Swensen
Kelly and I had planned to meet David for a meal to celebrate his birthday. I was late. Due to overtime at work and the heavy traffic which I had no solution why the stretch of Bukit Timah Road is always jammed during am and pm peak hours, can’t the authorities do something to it?

Well, Kelly and David had settled down at the restaurant waiting for my arrival. Browsing from the menu, Kelly ordered the Beef Pasta, Breaded Chicken and Beef Lagsana and two side dishes, the rodeo wings and the fried mushrooms as well as Swensen signature ice cream, the regular earthquake.

Below are some of the pictures that I had taken during the meal.
Kelly and I had shared some ideas of the gifts for David.

Our group picture featuring kelly, Me and David

David 's birthday gift

Breaded Chicken Meuniere

Baked Spaghetti Bolognaise
Beef Lagsana
Deep Fried Mushrooms
Rodeo Wings
Regular Earthquake
Music Review
Coco Lee – East West Album

First Hits – BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag)

Coco Lee is one of the female singers who had successfully entered the US music industry with her songs. Recently, she was invited by National Geographic channel to sing a theme song for World Earth Day. Though, she had been keeping a low profit of herself and her singing career because of her plans of marriage with her boyfriend, yet her comeback to the entertainment buzz is the right choice.

In her latest album, East West, Coco first hits, BYOB had her desire to spread the message across her music to encourage people to Bring Your Own Bag while shopping or doing marketing at the supermarket. This is true as Coco desire everyone to start save the earth by begins with self to start with changing our style of living and usual habits.

The lyrics and rhythm of the songs is catchy which ease the message brought across to her fans and those who care for the earth.
Coco Lee- BYOB MV

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