Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Choose it or lose it

7.14pm, Wednesday, 12 Aug 2009, Hot

I'm one day late to post this. Well, I name this post as to remind myself to treasure something that I have, and not lose it again!

I had been busy for the past few days.

I managed to have sufficient rest during the three days long weekend ( Only on Saturday when I am 80% completing my assignment).

Work and assignments had drained me, yet I am enjoying the process, as it is something worth doing. Though I would not say life has been great, but I guess, there are changes and new opportunities and plans ahead. At this point in time, I am appreciating the people and the stuff happening around me.

Qian Hui's Birthday
Just as you might be wondering who is Qian Hui, well, she is definitely not my new girlfriend.

She 's my niece. This year, she is celebrating her 12th year old birthday.

My second sister brought a ice cream cake which is her favourite, I guess. It seems that July and August, there are lots of people around me are celebrating their birthdays.

Aug 9 -10 @ Rasa Sentosa

Me, Patrick, Azlin, Selene, Augustine, Adelene and his boyfriend( I don know how to spell his name), the seven of us had decided to have different way of celebrating National Day and Augustine and Selene's birthday.

Thus, our birthday girl had booked a room @ Rasa.

It was a wonderful day together, though it's just 2 days of break from work and studies. But I guess, we do have lots of fun celebrating Selene's and Augustine Belated Birthday and not forgetting, the National Day.

The lovely Birthday cake we got for Selene!

The Birthday girl, Selene!

As for this, what is this? I don know! A toy?

The glamorous Vs the Unglam!

Patrick (always un-glam, as usual)

Smiling at the rest, who are still unprepared for the surprised shoots...

Azlin...(un-glam? or just carefree?!)

Adelene's boyfriend(Ray, Do I spell his name wrongly?!)

Adelene packing her stuff...3 days 2 nites tour? (No, it's just 1 day @ Rasa, Oops!)

She is dressed ( The glamorous)

Me...(going crazy cos of an unforgettable nite with bears...Oops!)

Augustine packing his bag ...(just ignoring lor)

Selene (DON Disturb ME)

The glamorous couple (Augustine and Selene, exclusive by Paparazzi)

National Day Chocolate by Rasa!

The breakfast @ Delifrance

Mushroom Soup with garlic bread

Create my own sandwich (Seafood tuna with Wholemeal bread)

Sentosa view taken from Rasa Sentosa in the morning

Desserts @ Tiong Bahru Plaza
My favourite, yam paste before heading down to watch G.I Joe.

G.I Joe : The Rise of Cobra


From the Egyptian desert to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite G.I. JOE team uses the latest in next-generation spy and military equipment to fight the corrupt arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra organization to prevent them from plunging the world into chaos.

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is directed by Stephen Sommers (The Mummy, The Mummy Returns).

Cast: Dennis Quaid, Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller
Director: Stephen Sommers
Genre:Action/ Adventure
Language: English
Release Date:6 August 2009
Running Time:117 minutes

My personal comments:

Rating 2.5 out of 5.
I just simply love the actions but I hate the plot and how the story is linked, as it is confusing and I slept at the mid of the movie, just imagine it.

Well, it is not the best movie ever, but if you have the cash and time, go for it...

It's like watching star wars!

Definitely, A part 2 will be coming soon @ Theatres.

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