Monday, July 6, 2009

Priceless Gift

4.25am, Tuesday, 07072009, Hot

Family is definitely one of the priceless gift. When I started working, that was in year 2003, one of my ex-colleagues told me, we can have many friends, yet, at the end of the day, family members is still the "backers" when we are in trouble, giving you the confidence whenever you are down, and the ones that will always be supportive in decision you do.

July 1st is an important day as I celebrated my 24 th birthday. One year older and one year wiser.

I am really thankful for the bits and pieces that some of my friends had arranged for me for my 24 th Birthday celebration.

July 1, 2009 (Actual Day Birthday Celebration)
4th B Day celebration
The Wu(5) Dang Pie - a newly form Federation- Featuring Patrick, Adelene, Augustine, Selene and Me ( Hopefully, we can expand our influence in the years to come)

The hat I am wearing is a gift from Augustine and Selene (Rock and Roll, DJ style)

Our Group Photo (Augustine, Selene, Adelene, Patrick and Me)

June 30
3rd B Day Celebration @ Home

The ice cream cake was a gift from my sister. This is the 3rd cake I had cut for this year. The lady behind (2nd picture) is my Mum, she is always busy at the kitchen preparing lots of great food for her children even getting her to take a picture, she is simply shy.

However, to protect her and my family members which I guess, they do not wish to be appeared in my blog, thus I just placed 2 pictures taken by my sisters.

June 29, 2009
Featuring David and Kelly

David is my primary school friend since primary school. Time flies, 16 years had passed.

Kelly is my secondary school since sec 1.

Thanks for the gift and the laughter and fond memories that we share.

26 June 2009
Featuring Sherline and Lx

Sherline and Lx are my best poly friends, since 2003, we knew each other from the same PDP English Class, as our English is simply too excellent to be graded...Thus with the same level of English standard, it was lots of fun and laughter during the learning process and eventually, we landed in the same course and hock to similar activities like singing etc.
(My favourite (Fish and Chips)

Gift from Esprit
Chocolate Mudpie with my fav Vanilla Ice Cream)

After 1 July >>>
Some of my friends who were unable to meet during July 1, manage to set aside some time for a gathering.
4 July, 2009 < @ Bugis TOP 1 KTV and Sakae Sushi>
Featuring Wei Keong, Jun Yuan, Kah Leng, Colin, John.
Wei Keong and I had knew each other since primary school days, in total, we knew each other for 16 years.
Jun Yuan, Kah Leng and Colin for 6 years.
John is a new friend aboard to the group.

July 5, 2009
<@ Bugis Mind Cafe N Onemo>
Featuring Eugene aka Ah Wang, Melody aka Mel Mel, Zhi Qin aka Robo, Delon and BJ
They are my group of Army friends.
I knew Zhi Qin during BMT->Changi FDC->Tengah FDS, we had been in the same camp since 2006, is this an indication?
Ah Wang and Delon are from section 2 - Changi FDS
As for BJ, I forgot the bunk he was, is it Section 5?I can't remember, but one thing, I will always remember, we all gathered @ Section 2, the most live section ever.
Even if we are all separated to different camps, we kept in touch till now, time had passed, we knew each other for 3 years.
Our Group Photo ( Featuring Melody, Eugene, Delon, BJ, Me, and Robo)
Mind Cafe Signature Ice cream
Steam Boat @ Onemo
Seriously, I sincerely thank all friends for the effort to make this 24th Birthday another chapter of events worth keeping forever.

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