Monday, April 20, 2009

If I have more time...

12.49am, Tuesday, 21/04/09, Hot

Sometimes in life, some things are very diffcult to explain, yet times when opportunity comes, we will feel that some miracles happened either not at the right timing...

Recently, I had been learning and trying to pick up new knowledge from work and at the same, on every tuesday and thursday, I will tried to make myself refresh and mind freshly minted with the heart to learn new stuff @ school.

It had been exhausted week. 2 of my seniors@ work had left, thus the new team of 3 of us, had been trying to learn as fast as possible for new stuff as much as possible...

Yet times, in life as we grew older, we had to give up some stuff to replace for some stuff in life that we might not want. E.g. I used to go swimming or sun-tanning...once a week now... hmm~~

This week on Saturday

It was a re-treat for me, I invited Colin to go for Joey Yung concert @ Max Pavillion, Saturday, 18/04/09. I used to like canto-pop thus, that is the reason why I choose this concert to Lee Brothers concert, and another reason being, this is Joey Yung first concert @ Singapore, thus she is worth the time she spent on saturday to watch her live.
It was packed with many fans, the concert tickets were more than 90% sold.
The best part of the concert was there were many surprises, though Joey 's mandarin is not her best language, yet she tried her best to translate her words to both canto and mandarin for Singapore fans...
The best part of the concert are the classic medley and remix medly
Other songs include 我的骄傲, 痛爱,华丽邂逅, 这分钟更爱你 etc are really classic..
Chinese songs like 小小, 弃权, 独照, 习惯你
I guess the part which show Joey is really putting effort is the 2 songs that she sang, songs by Yanzi and Tanya Chua ( Beautiful love)

The start of the week, which I feel sian... cos Monday is the day after that...

Every week, I tried to hit the gym with Colin to exercise and re-treat to keep myself as fit as possible. Maybe of the chemical effect, thus I feel refresh after exercise. Well, sometimes after gym, I will have dinner with Colin or go bach home to take away dinner for the family.
Music Review
The first CD that I had brought this year is Joey Yung starlight Hongkong Live. It is the best compilation of Joey 's concert starlight live @ Hongkong...
It is really worth the it has 3 cd of the songs sang by Joey in her concert...
4 out of 5 for the album

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