Monday, April 6, 2009


12.10am, Monday, 070409, Windy

The things in life that motivate me to work harder or strive for the best...

Recognition? Monetary award?

For myself, I am someone who basically find chance if possible to exercise during the weekend. For some of my friends @ SIM and even some close friends, I had been feeling exhausted and frustrated with my management assignment.

How I hope my tutor for management is the similar to organisational behaviour...I miss her and her class, Dr Kajula! U rocks!~

Well, for the upcoming days, I shall be busy with some stuff which I feel worth my time and effort learning and as mentor are willing to teach me, and the environment I was at, is really worth doing so!

I will prove myself, as I was given the chance and now, it is time to perform my best as I had been resting really long...

And not to let anyone down... even though the journey I am uncertain how long I will take or stay, yet as I was not alone, thus me and the other new friend shall move forward together to learn and pick up new stuff as we go along....

During weekend
Gary is back in Singapore. Xiuling, kai boon and I arranged to meet up in a rush, thus we simply have dinner @ East Coast. I guess, the pictures speaks louder than words.

My favourite chicken wings and samba fish...

No prawns as we know now tiger prawns are very expensive and very sensitive issue few weeks ago. I guess, doing some homework of knowing the current quote price before we act, in order not to be disappointed...


@ Fabulous Pub
I believe this place will be another hang out place for me and some close friends of mine. I feel that the place is comfortable as it is a open-ktv concept, whereby you selected the song/s to sing and wait for your opportunity...

This is the second time of the month, I had gone down to chill with my friends and have fun together....

The shirt I am wearing- I gots to drink!~ *3


Music Review

The chinese music had been overwhelmed with Queen diva, Jolin Tsai new album, Butterfly.

Personally, as a Jolin supporter, it is not the best album that Jolin has proved herself. Maybe of marketing, or her Warnermusic are still finding her new direction, it seems Warner music does not know the direction that Jolin career is heading towards.

I miss her past albums

Kian Wo 72 bian album(2003)- Sony Music
Palace album- Sony Music
J-Game album- Sony Music

Dancing Diva(2006)-EMI
Dancing Forever(2006) -EMI
Agent J album(2007)- EMI

She had truly prove herself as Asian best female singer especially during her years, between 2006-2009, she was awarded MTV best female vocal because of her Dancing Diva album...

I hope her new record company, Warner music will not destroy Jolin Tsai reputation and her singing career, especially in her album selections of songs, it was a disappointment that there are 4 hits from butterfly album are from originally english hits...

That is indeed to many...

Elva Hsiao singing career was almost destroy during her years in Warner music with a 3 years wait, 1087 album, yet the response...hmm...

I hope her record company can benchmark their best marketing tactics and the years of carving Sammi Singing career in Warner music early days, I was really successful...

Overall rating

Songs recommended>>>

妥協 (Compromise)
大丈夫(Real Man)

影舞者(Shadow Dancer)








i don't want a boyfriend

I need a real man




i don't want a boyfriend

I need a real man real man real man real man

何時出現 何時出現 何時出現



i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

誠實的嘴 可靠的肩 溫柔的眼

i don't want a boyfriend

I need a real man

real man real man real man real man

可會出現 可會出現 可會出現







lust show me one real man十項全男 

real man

i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

誠實的嘴 可靠的肩 溫柔的眼

i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

real man real man real man real man

i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

誠實的嘴 可靠的肩 溫柔的眼

i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

real man real man real man real man

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