Monday, March 9, 2009

A mixture of flavours

3.13pm, Monday, 09/03/09, Raining Heavily

This is my 3rd post. I'm getting used to write in this new blog. I guess, in life, when there is changes, it is eventually getting used to it and adapt to it.

The past week is full of joy and sorrow. But the past week is a brand new experiences from different places, different friends and people I met.
Weekly update from: 02/03/09 - 07/03/09
On Thursday

It was a meet up with a best friend, I should not name her, as it is not convenient as I promised her some stuff that she told me will be kept secret.

She is moving on to the next stage in life with new things awaiting for her and I wish her all the best and certainly I will remain just the way I am, with my status remaining the same as she moved on to the next stage in life.

On Friday
With only 4 hours of sleep, as I was drained with thoughts in my mind and nervous of not getting up early. Sleeping disorder? Maybe.

I woke up @ 8am to get ready for the start of the day and my first interview. It was @ Tuas Ave 9. It is marketing position that deals with tempered glass. The interview was @ 11am. I was early, 10 minutes early, yet I waited for 1 hours plus for my interviewer as she was delayed by her boss, thus, end up, it was a guy, I guess it was the HR Manager to interview me.

A marketing career. I can see his sincerity in telling me what will be expected of me in the next coming days, months and years, he was telling me for a project to the successfully close the project, there are lots of follow ups and PR with the contractors and other partners.

And he will expect me to get a vehicle, but the company will give me allowance, for the vehicle maintenance etc. Sound attractive, yet there is a price to pay!
I am willing to accept it but do give me the time to adapt though I might be slow...

Well, I am exhausted in changing jobs and working on a contract basis.
Back @ home
I had a 2 hours plus lunch break, before hitting down for the next interview at Bugis, it was a great place but the job hmm.. needs me to be very detailed.
It is a job that is PR with clients on the phone and preparing reports. I guess, it expects me to be detailed with the reports I presented to clients...hmm..!

Feeling breathless, as I was deadbeat, took a bus back home after the interview, it was fast one, at least, both companies did make me feel secure.

I closed my eyes..all the way to the bus reached Clementi MRT.
Reaching home

Getting ready for the nite gathering with my army friends.

I delayed my time @ home as I wanted to called off the meeting as I was extremely restless. But I guess, this opportunity meeting up will be lesser with study loads adding up.

Friday Nite
Ah Wang and Melody, Melody's friend, Delon, Jansen, Robo, BJ and I met for steamboat dinner @ Oppsite Bugis, a restaurant which served variety of food and free flow of drinks. It was packed with lots of people. But it was a different experiences, maybe the last time, we met, was 4 months ago.

After the steamboat session, we went to Alumni @ Ngee Ann, it is located next to SIM and Ngee Ann, it is a bar whereby students can have some alcohol drinks and chill with KTV.
I guess, I did have the guts to sing after Delon was saying, " You can sing better than the people in the house"
I selected Yoga Lin, bo Le (伯乐) one of my favourite top 10 songs to sing in KTV. I guess, the biggest surprise is have claps and cheers after the songs was sang. And truly, there was claps and cheers from the people in the house.
After the KTV session, Delon drove us to Opposite Bukit Timah Beauty World shopping centre for supper, where there is a row of restaurants that serves different food varieties from Chinese, Malay, Indian to Thai...
On Saturday
I was late for the morning class. I was half an hour late, as I slept @ 4am, and woke up 8.30pm, and partly, I mistaken the time for class. But I was there not missing the important points which landed me with more confident in doing my 2nd assignment for the module.
@ Saturday Noon
A time of sun-tanning, bikini babes and hunks with my friends @ Sentosa Silso Beach. Adelene, Selene, Augustine, Ah Pat and me, the 5 lovely people were @ Sentosa to shine the place with surprises.

Selene, Patrick, Augustine, and I swam across the sea with my tee shirts and 3/4 pants. Cos due to 4 packs is not able to challenge the other hunks @ Sentosa thus this is the best way to hide my secrets.

The weather is really unpredictable. Sunny and rainy and eventually sunny with warms the hearts of all...
Luge was fun, with crazy luge lovers down the slopes and sloppy man made hills. Lots of pictures taken @ Cafe Del Mar with weird drinks that we had ordered.

@ Xiu Ling B day Party
A mini party to celebrate Xiu Ling B day, Xiu Ling 's sister workplace. Martel bottle was opened with continuous green tea supplied to the table. It was gathering with Xiu Ling, Kai Boon, Albert and I with Xiu Ling's poly mates.

In total, I drank 28 glasses of Martel with green tea. I am not trying to boost how great I am in drinking, yet, I was just trying to help Xiu Ling not caught in difficult position(I shall not elborate further)

I was not drank, still able to sing the songs I selected, Yoga Lin, bo Le (伯乐) and xiao jiu wo (小酒窝) by JJ Lin and Ah Sa with Xiu Ling's friend.

I was able to walk straight out of the bar and left with my friends by cab. Impressive right, but nothing to boost about.

It was almost 2am. Another late nite party!
On Sunday
I was at the career and education fair but it was a disappointment as there are limited information about engineering field.

After that, Colin and I hit the gym as it was our gym day. I guess, as one of my friends in army, Delon told me," I put on weight." It really hit my days, as for someone who used to weigh 110kg to eventually 70kg. I was concerned with how people with look at me.

Though I maybe portray I don't care, but deep down, I do take words seriously.
I was not in my best form but the words just continued to hit my mind to do even more workout to be fitter and looking great than before.
@ Dinner
It was with Jun Yuan, Kah Leng, Colin, Wei Keong and I. We met up @ Bugis Junction as Cheer Chen Qi Zhen was having her autograph session.

Liyi was the host for the autograph. I wanted to say hi, but I guess, maybe next time will be better as I was not in my best form. Leaving a great impression is important and also as the rest were hungry thus we had dinner @ one of the Hongkong style cafe.

Before heading home, I brought a book, Suspect X is the title. I am fan of this story and the plot thus, while the rest are busy doing their browsing, I made my choice to purchase the book. I guess, the rest of my free day or on the bus, this book will be there with me.

I like to ask, if one day...
I would have to leave everyone, and you will NEVER see me again, I meant leaving earlier than everyone, how do you feel?
I like to ask, if one day...
the people around you, did some things u are unable to control, or threathen your presence, how do you feel?
But one thing certainly, the earth will keep spinning as it was not stopped moving for anyone is new-born or left the earth...

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