Monday, March 16, 2009

The biggest enemy on Earth - Self

4.29am, Tuesday, 170309, Windy
One week has passed. I had 2 assignments on hand.
The deadline are this Friday and coming Monday. I hope I will finish them one or two days before the submission. I tried to get help yet I guess, I should do it on my own.
One of my friends was telling me to keep writing blog as she reads it during lunch break or tea break @ office just like i -weekly.~Haha! Especially, she doesn't find reason to go for lunch...(OS: Thanks for being so frank to me and supportive)
Recently, due to many changes @ School n some other personal problems. My temper had gone worse than before. Getting impatient. Seeking perfection to an extremely edge that I personally difficult to handle my own emotions and become more concerns how friends or family view me.
It seems to be getting worse. Not able to find the right person to talk to, though with number of best friends I have. Suddenly,your friends are like aliens in your life which seems to me, doubt my presence for the past 23 years on earth.

But I guess, I will move on positively on my own, defend the biggest enemy - self.

@ school
I just begin a new semester of year 1 study @ SIM with a bad start for my business module, my tutor was really inexperience or just too new to the environment.
First, she expects us to bring textbook for every lesson for the next 6 weeks. ( OS: hmm, that's fine)
Second, one serious note she added, she will not use the PowerPoint slides prepared by the course coordinator, as she feel it is not helping us and not of any help in our studies...which led the class to wonder, "why should there be PowerPoint slides prepared for every lessons in the beginning for all modules, there is a purpose..."

Third, the lesson ended @ 9.15pm. Shocking and happy. Glad, as I have more TV time @ home, yet it leave me and the rest of the class with many unanswered questions in our mind as the lessons, she kept repeating things and said, refer to textbook for answers...

(OS: haha! what is the point of coming to class where I can read the PowerPoint notes and do self study...)
That day, I begin to be wondering what is the point of me rushing for class?
And as I was thinking, I really miss my previous tutor for organisational behaviour. Her lesson are solid with clear knowledge of the lesson though sometimes, she will extend her class to 10.15pm as she will ensure there will be class discussion on all the questions in the PowerPoint prepared by her.

How thoughtful of her, yet such days are numbered and never appeared again...!
Highlights of the week
On Sat (14th March 09) - Supreme Court Open House
Just as many people are interested and keen to find out the best IT deals @ Suntec IT fair, Adelene, Selene, Patrick and I (Augustine is MIA) went to Supreme Court Open House. On of the push factor is becos of the crowd and purely not interested in the IT fair.

To many people, Supreme Court is one of the sensitive and restricted government buildings that people are keen to find out more about its functions and how the structure of buildings looks like, which might be the reasons why I did draw a reasonable, huge crowd to Supreme Court Open House. With 9 levels, that serve different purposes. Let me just do a intro to those who did not manage grab a chance to enter this building.
Level 1- Registration for tour and enactments, F& B outlets, souvenir collections n souvenir shops.
Level 2- Learning Corner and Legal clinic (with ask 2 get 1 free legal advice...Haha, just kidding)

Level 3- Exploratory Tours of courtrooms and chambers

Level 4 & 5- Enactments of Civil proceedings such as bankruptcy, breach of contract, assessment of damages, sheriff seizure and sales

Level 6 -Photo opportunities and gallery

Level 8 -Viewing gallery and 'who Dunnit' exhibition

Level 9- Enactment of a criminal trial and for most big cases are trial

In this Supreme Court Open House, it had gave me a better picture of the different problems bankruptcy will face if event he or she is made bankrupt etc.

I was a eye opener for the 4 of us, however, I hope there will be more such opportunities for public to know more about civil or government bodies...

Music Review- Player list
She is back!
With compilation from Gold Tyhoon as the warm up, with 3 new songs, 耍大牌、慣性背叛、讓讓 yet, her first hit for her compilation, 耍大牌 has left not much impact unlike songs, like 舞孃, 特務J etc. Yet the marketing point for the album, is the 555 Pages of the Jolin's 照片全彩全紀錄寫真. It is a sad thing that local compose 慣性背叛 by Lee Wei Song is kept as 2nd hit for the album not many people know the song....Lack of promotion and strong advertising? I guess, it is GT music weak point, great artiste but lack of marketing and advertising fund...

Hope they will prove fans wrong..
Just as I thought, her new singles 大丈夫(Real Man) from Warner Music will bring surprise, yet it is another disappointment to me. This song has similar presentation which is similar to Elva Hsiao singles, L. O. V .E from her album 1087.
As it lacks of 舞孃, 特務J from EMI strong theme of her album direction and 看我七十二变 from Sony Music...the reasons to hear and see her changes...
Hopefully, her other songs in her new Album from Warner music will surprise all her fans...

蔡依林 Jolin Tsai - 花蝴蝶


蔡依林 Jolin Jeneration Collection 2006-2009 27 best hits from 2006 -2008 + 3 new hits @ 2009

My YouTube Video
This is one of my favourite songs I like, it is by 卢学睿-早知道爱.
I really like the lyrics of the song, it is about a guy who like a girl deeply yet due to some reasons, they can't be together, and because of losing her, he will not accept love and anyone who comes to his life again...

This is the situation that truly describe how I feel at a point of life, I can't say too details, maybe now, or past (definitely)...


专辑:卢学睿 同名专辑

词:薛忠铭 林唯

































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