Friday, November 13, 2009

Snapshot 7th November 2009 - Singapore Hits Awards (Part 3)

1.06am, Saturday, 14th November 2009, Cloudy

It was indeed a "Black Friday."
Insufficient rest after exam! and some disputes which affected the entire day.

I was caught by an unexpected question in Acc201 paper which I had lost 25 marks in total. Well, I just gotten move on to my next paper on coming Monday and Thursday.
Well, I am mentally prepared for all consequences.

Well, this is a weekly update of last week, Singapore Hits Awards, I had took some pictures @ Indoor Stadium, more to upload after exam!

LaLa Xiu Jia Ying - Best Newcomer 2009

Huang Jing Lun - Best Newcomer 2009

Tanya Chua - Best Local talent award!

May Day - Best Pop Band 2009

Liang Wen Ying, Huang Jing Lun, Lala Xiu Jia Ying and Zhang Yun Jing ( 4 Best Newcomer 2009)

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