Sunday, November 22, 2009

Snapshot 22 November 2009 - G5 Outing @ West Coast Park (Last Episode Part 5)

6.50pm, Wednesday, 25/11/2009, Windy
I had written this post days back, but I feel that there are stuff I can add, thus I delayed publishing it.
This is the first outing after my exam. Not in any restaurant but Mc Donald's, it was a busy day, before meeting G6, I had met with my committee members to finalise and discuss on our next year events that our committee will be organising.
Objective: A gathering organised by Patrick to collect all the outstanding debt. (Patrick O. S : Muahaha!! Owe $ pay $, if not chicken head on your door!)
Place: West Coast Park (Mc Donald's)
Time: 8 pm ~ 3am
Person involved: G6 (Jeff, Patrick, Adelene, Azlin, Selene, Augustine)
The buddy since Primary school (15 Years of friendship)
Patrick N Me!

G6 (Me, Adelene, Azlin, Selene N Augustine)
O.S Patrick taking pic for us!

The Couple (Selene N Augustine)

The Couple (Azlin N Patrick)

The friends ( Jeff N Adelene)


Music I 'm currently Listening

Music Review
Cyndi Wang 2009 Beautiful Day 6CDs ( New Songs + Best Selection)
Youtube MV -
2003 Single from "Beginning" album
Title: On My Way
Artiste: Cyndi Wang

Cyndi Wang will be releasing her first album with Gold Typhoon, . This is the latest compilation from her former record company, Avex Tracks. This is no doubt the most comprehensive compilation of Cyndi career between 2003-2009.

Beginning with Cyndi first album, Begin, that marked her singing career in 2003, this popular eye candy has released 8 albums.

A total of 6 CDs, which comes in 2 editions including DAY (Containing mainly ballads) and Night (Containing Cyndi Dance Tracks), which sources from all her previous albums releases from Avex. This album was also include 5 new tracks including Beautiful Days, Wait, When Love Comes , Girls most afraid etc.

Overall Rating
4 out of 5
Remarks : The 6 CDs and the pictorial book, it is worth to spend your money on this compilation.

Personally, her first album "Begin" in 2003 with Avex is still the best album which include songs like On my Way, When you (Dang Ni), Cinderella Tears (Hui Gu Niang De Yan Lei), Not Soul Mate etc. Between 2003 to 2009, she has transformed from the girl next door and the Jolin 's shadow to Cyndi Wang which we truly deserve.
TV Review
To give a comprehensive weekly update on TV.

This is a new forum which I had added to give listeners and TV viewers another choice to select the best or recommended TV dramas, or variety shows.
Premiering next Monday 30 November @ 9pm on Channel 8.
Together, starring Jeanette Aw, Dai Yang Tian, Elvin Ng, Zhou Yin, Zhen Ge Ping, Eileen Tan etc.
Youtube trailer:

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