Monday, June 22, 2009

Goodbye and Hello

2.34pm, Tuesday, 23 06 2009, Hot

It was difficult to gather everyone around, especially when everyone has lot of commitments in life. This was the second outing with this group of friends, Eugene, Melody, Jansen, Delon, Zhi Qin and Me, the 6 of us had decided to do and go somewhere in Singapore for Jansen 's farewell.

I do feel that it is really not easy to maintain a close friendship, as we grew older. Time is really a precious tool which taken up by work and study that cause people to be separted.

I guess to have everyone to gather once again and have full strength, it will take some time. Thus, I really treasure the the time that we had together...

It was a farewell outing for Jansen as he will be leaving for further study. Thus apart from meeting out for KTV session in our previous outing, this time round, we had decided to go for cycling and hiking @ Pulau Ubin, a unfamiliar island located at the Eastern Part of Singapore.

It was a sunny Saturday...
A great day for sun-tanning and some outdoor activities...

A day with lots of pics taken, laughter and fresh air...

U will be surprised that Singapore has such a place around which is worth preserving and we as citizens should play an important role in protecting this environment for the next generation.

In the picture (Me and Jansen)

In this picture (Melody, Ah Wang, and Delon)
In this picture ( Zhi Qin aka Robo, Jansen and Me)

In this picture ( Me but there are 2 passer-by, trying to steal the limelight)

I really like the 3 set of pictures that we took @ the Ubin Museum near the Ubin Tower, the cottage looks like as though you are @ Holland)

The lovely couple in town ...Not Christopher and Fann Wong but Ah Wang N Melody

The Ultimatum (Jeff and Delon)
The Smiley (Robo and Jansen)

Some compile pictures that had taken @ Pulau Ubin

Dinner @ Ubin First Stop Restaurant

To Jansen:
I wish you all the best in your studies.
Take Care!
OS: I might visit you in Australia next year!

Zhicheng Birthday @ Orchard Central Cafe

I guess, it had been months since Me, Edison, Zhi cheng and Wee Jian met up. They are my group of poly friends who had been with me and witness the physical changes over the past 3 years.
Thankfully, there are still keeping in touch.
I rather miss them as we had lots of fun during our poly days!

In this picture(Wee Jian and Zhi cheng)

In this picture ( Edison and Me)
To Zhi Cheng:
Happy Birthday,
May all wishes come true!
Friends forEver!

Music Review:
Show Luo - Wei Ni Xie Shou Ge
Publishing - Gold Typhoon Music
Trendy Man album was one of the albums which I really like in 2009, especially show 's improvement had been reflected through the songs that are presented in the album.

Wei Ni Xie Shou Ge is a bonus track from his Trendy Man album which was a song to thank his fans for their support over the years. A compose by Gary Chaw, and lyrics written by Show Luo.
A meaningful and warming song.

Youtube link and lyrics of the song:

Music Review
Gary Chaw - Mr Lonely
Publishing: Rock Records and Tape
Gary Chaw 4th album, Supermarket, presented a new Gary Chaw that we used to know. He continue to bring surprises from his composes, and his first hits in the Supermarket album, is called Mr Lonely, Ji Mo Xian Shen.
This song describe the ups and downs that Gary Chaw had faced over the years as well as the depressing moments that had occurred while preparing the album.

If you love slow songs, not the kind of hip pop or rock music, this is the choice for you.

Youtube MV link and Lyrics of the song

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