Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Year 2011 Ended

Year 2011 is indeed a better year than Yr 2010.

I have survived from all odds, challenges, opportunities and even the kind of people who I do not wish to face at different places.

Gain and knew friends of the same interest within the years which also redefine the network and circle of friends which I used to hang-out with.
Yet 2 political elections let me realise, some people are just too rigid and stubborn-minded, and if you are different from them in terms of ideology, well, its better to keep a safe distance to avoid angry moments.

Best friends do not exist, as the older you are, people are always thinking of their own interest than others. (Others before self.. has extincted)

My accomplishment for FY2011:

1. Undergo and survive a surgery for my lower jaw in March which took me 2 months to recover.
2. Academic results in Late May semester was good, which justify the fact that if I work hard, I will be able to score well for exam.

Accomplish 4 marathon and a charity run

1. Sundown Marathon (21km)
2. Yellow Ribbon Prison Marathon (10km in Aug)
3. Safra Run (10Km in Sep)
4. 1st Happy Feet Slippers Race (Oct)
5. Standard Chartered Marathon (42.195km in Dec)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Movies in November

One of my sources of inspiration is watching a favourite movie, enjoying a medium Coca Cola and let the story tellers and illustrators creative thoughts flows.

To me, watching an animated film is an safe move to avoid disappointment.

1st Movie - Happy Feet 2

Immersed in the world of lovely penguins, The Happy Feet 2, is back to rock our world with adorable characters and refreshing, heart-warming songs. With the magnificent landscape of Antarctica in 3D, Mumble, the Master of Tap, has a problem as his tiny son, Erik is choreophobic. Reluctant to dance and sing with the gang, Erik runs away and encounters The Mighty Sven, a penguin that can FLY!

Mumble has no hope of competing with this charismatic new role model. But things get worse when their world is shaken by powerful forces. Erik learns from his Dad's 'Guts and Grit" as Mumble brings together the penguin nations and all manner of fabulous creatures including Tuny Krill, Giant Elephant Seals to restore things right.

Starring (Background Vocal): Eljiah Wood, Robin Williams, Hank Azaria

Genre: Animation

Director: George Miller

Language: English

Date of Release: 17 November 2011

Running Time: 100 minutes

Personal Rating: 3.5 out of 5

The plot, animation, values, and the music deserve 3. 5 popcorns.

2nd Movie - You are the apple of my Eye (Chinese Film)

Regrets we do have.

Love at the first sight, we do experience in our life.

These two themes, love and regrets have touched the hearts of my movie lovers for the past 1 month. With posting of the OST of "You are the apple of my Eye", and the "Must Watch" postings, which sort of influence my decision to watch a Chinese film out of the blue.

Newcomer: Chen-Tung Ko who won the Golden Horse Award 2011

The newcomer just release his debut album, released by SONY Music.

The story illustrate Ko-Teng with a several close friends had a crush on Shen Chia-Yi. Ko's and his gang of friends moved in unison from Ching Cheng Junior High School straight into the senior high school divison in pursuit of her. Naughty in nature, Ko was ordered by their teacher to sit in front of honor student, Shen Chia-Yi to keep close tabs on him. The two hadn't hit it off at first but Ko gradually feel for her.

Taiwan Artiste: Michelle Chen

She do look like Singer, Beauty Ho Xiang Ting in certain angle
Shen's and Ko-Teng began starting late in class to practice their homework and motivated to achieve their goals making it to the top Universities. On the other hand, Shen became impressed by the contrasting values Ko represented. Ko started pursing Shen yet eventually Shen remained hesitant.

Moving to the second part of the story, after graduation from senior high school, Ko and Shen starting dating like a couple but their relationship was spoilt by a dukeout competition organised by Ko.

Well, growing up together witnessing their beloved eye-candy, Shen walking down the aisle to become someone else's wife, the gang had learnt their coming-of-age lessons and continue to pursue their individual happiness.

Starring: Chen-Tung Ko, Michelle Chen, Ao-Chuan

Genre: Romance, Comedy

Director: Giddens Ko

Language: Mandarin

Date of Release: 11 November 2011

Running Time: 110 Minutes

Personal Rating: 3.8 out of 5.

Storyline and setting hilariously portrayed the "good old times" we used to have, probably trying hard to date an ideal girl, skipping school, and the fond memories that is hardly remembered thus it is a right strategy and the success of this movie.

I will not be surprise if this is one of the most selling Chinese films in Singapore for FY2011.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

3 months!

1.02am, Friday, 18 Nov 2011, Windy
I had almost forgot about this little space that I have.
I had been busy earlier on, or should I say, I had been busy all the while.
But I do question why am so busy?
For myself, others or because of no choice, or because the chance of all events having at the same time?
I do not have answer myself.
Probably, I had been overloaded with many commitments which I should not.
Well, I do regret on sometimes on certain things if I do not do well, thus, when opportunity comes, I do try my best to strike my best putting effort to prove that people have not trust the wrong person to do the right things.
Well, I think this 1st paper, I am not well-prepared.
Blame it on the reservist enlistment which I had spent one day at camp to clear the reservist status which it is due to system error.
Blame on the fact that heavy commitment with YEC.
Blame it on my poor time management.
Blame it on the fact that the work load is unmanageable which I had hardly time to read my textbook.
Blame it on myself, as I am the source of the cause of things happening on me!
Well, as I finish this last sentence to vent our the little frustration at this little space that belong to me, I make sure, I do pull myself up as quickly as possible, to do well in my exam ( the last paper).
After so many setback in 2009, and pick myself and believing myself again in 2000, and after the operation in mid 2011, a new beginning, yet, when looking back at all these incident, people I had encountered, whether are they true to their self or to me, it does not matter.
What it really matter is: at least these encounters had lead me to know what I do want in life, hopefully.
For the time being, I will say sayonara to this little heaven which I almost forgot.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The month of August

The reason why I had decided to name this post "The month of August" is because as the blogger and owner of "Jeff Space", I had hardly spend quality time to share things, places, music or even movies that inspire me lately.

Well, thanks for my regular viewers who do drop me a note to remind me that its time to update the blog which I used to be rather active writing.

The month of August was a busy month. I had not failed to continue to "impress" or "inspire"people with my artwork and design which I hope one day more people will at least have a smile on their faces to the little things I tried and put in effort to do.

Though these months are tough, but in a positive note, these are standards for a more important role in future. I hope I am well, and continue to have the synergy to persevere in things I used to believe in.

I realise the fact, I may make a wrong choice sometimes but if I had to live with it, I will try my very best to make a little difference to all the opportunities instead of calling them "problems."

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July Movie of the Month_Larry Crowne

Larry Crowne - the crowne with an letter e!
This is one interesting line that I had remembered how Larry Crowne wants others to know his name.

Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts reunite for a dramatic comedy about how the hard knocks from today's recession inspire one everyday guy to undergo a personal reinvention: Larry Crowne.

Until he was downsized, affable, amiable Larry Crowne (Tom Hanks) was a superstar team leader at the big-box company where he's worked since his time in the Navy. Underwater on his mortgage and unclear on what to do with his suddenly free days, Larry heads to his local college to start over.

There he becomes part of a colorful community of outcasts, also-rans and the overlooked all trying to find a better future for themselves…often moving around town in a herd of scooters. In his public-speaking class, Larry develops an unexpected crush on his teacher Mercedes Tainot (Roberts), who has lost as much passion for teaching as she has for her husband.

The simple guy who has every reason to think his life has stalled will come to learn an unexpected lesson: when you think everything worth having has passed you by, you just might discover your reason to live.

Personal Rating:
3.8 out of 5
Watch it! It's defnitely an awesome movie for the month or even for the year! For those, who are like me, lost my "sense" of direction yet this movie has re-defined the importance of everyone in his life! We might even be in Larry Crowne 's role when our life is at 40s.

Starring: Tom Hanks, Julie Roberts, Bryan Cranston
Director: Tom Hanks
Running Time: 99 Minutes
Language: English (*Do note: No chinese subtitle)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

June & July Album of the Month_ Valen Hsu 許茹芸 Greatest Hits

Discovered by talent scout at the age of 19, Valen Hsu made her professional debut in 1995, and shot to fame a year later with her sophomore album, Tear Sea ( 淚海).

Valen is known for her tender, transparent voice, and over the years has established her unique vocal style, which has endeared her to many pop music lovers.

The Taiwan singer-songwriter last issued an album nearly two years ago with My Love Journey 1km, and now Universal Music releases a new compilation of her early hits including 39 songs from her What's Music era (1995-2000) on 3 CDs.

Rating: This 3 CDs compilation is not to be missed, as there are only limited stock in Singapore for music lovers in the late 90s of the Mando-pop!

CD 1 01. 淚海 02. 愛情電影 03. 四季 04. 如果雲知道 05. 難得好天氣 06. 破曉 07. 沙漏 08. 心蝕 09. 恆星 10. 我們的愛情病了 11. 貓與鋼琴 12. 相片生活 13. 星星是窮人的鑽石

CD 2 01. 美夢成真 02. 日光機場 03. 一直是晴天 04. 我依然愛你 05. 我有一簾幽夢 06. 你的眼睛 07. 你是最愛 08. 執著 09. 沒有你的聖誕節 10. 看透 11. 騙自己 12. 鄰居 13. Don't Say Goodbye

CD 3 01. 獨角戲 02. 突然想愛你 03. 真愛無敵 04. 愛在黑夜 05. 不愛我放了我 06. 永不結束的故事 07. 討好 08. 金絲雀 09. 承擔 10. 半首歌 11. 秘密 12. 單身日記【四季歌】 13. 蝸牛

Artiste: Valen Hsu

Album Title: Valen Hsu Greatest Hits

Date of Release: May 19, 2011

Music Publisher: Universal Music Group & What's Music

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A recommended track from CD 2 -number 7 07. 你是最愛

June & July Album of the Month_ Sticky by Cyndi Wang

The "Sweetheart Princess" has grown into a big girl, and she's all Sticky for her long-awaited new album! Top the taiwan G-music chart for 2 weeks, she is coming back to the entertainment buzz strong with her new album, Sticky.

Picking up from her previous album Heasrt 2 Heart, Cyndi Wang's latest album was once delayed for her acting engagement in a new idol drama, but it's finally coming out in May 2011.

Inspired by the way a couple interacts in the café, the first plug off the album is notably written and composed by the popular Taiwan singer herself, who has longed for a simpler life that allows her to enjoy a normal relationship like ordinary people do.

Album Title: Sticky
Album Artiste: Cyndi Wang
Music Publisher: Gold Typhoon Taiwan

01. 想你想你

02. 愛太空
03. 陪我到以後 Feat. 羅志祥 Show Luo

04. 黏黏黏黏
05. 搖滾吧姑娘
06. 不哭 (Taiwan Drama "Love keeps going" theme song)
07. 自行浪漫
08. 下一頁的我
09. 一直幸福
10. 愛的ATM

* Songs in bold are recommended tracks

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