Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Year 2011 Ended

Year 2011 is indeed a better year than Yr 2010.

I have survived from all odds, challenges, opportunities and even the kind of people who I do not wish to face at different places.

Gain and knew friends of the same interest within the years which also redefine the network and circle of friends which I used to hang-out with.
Yet 2 political elections let me realise, some people are just too rigid and stubborn-minded, and if you are different from them in terms of ideology, well, its better to keep a safe distance to avoid angry moments.

Best friends do not exist, as the older you are, people are always thinking of their own interest than others. (Others before self.. has extincted)

My accomplishment for FY2011:

1. Undergo and survive a surgery for my lower jaw in March which took me 2 months to recover.
2. Academic results in Late May semester was good, which justify the fact that if I work hard, I will be able to score well for exam.

Accomplish 4 marathon and a charity run

1. Sundown Marathon (21km)
2. Yellow Ribbon Prison Marathon (10km in Aug)
3. Safra Run (10Km in Sep)
4. 1st Happy Feet Slippers Race (Oct)
5. Standard Chartered Marathon (42.195km in Dec)

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