Saturday, July 16, 2011

June & July Album of the Month_ Sticky by Cyndi Wang

The "Sweetheart Princess" has grown into a big girl, and she's all Sticky for her long-awaited new album! Top the taiwan G-music chart for 2 weeks, she is coming back to the entertainment buzz strong with her new album, Sticky.

Picking up from her previous album Heasrt 2 Heart, Cyndi Wang's latest album was once delayed for her acting engagement in a new idol drama, but it's finally coming out in May 2011.

Inspired by the way a couple interacts in the café, the first plug off the album is notably written and composed by the popular Taiwan singer herself, who has longed for a simpler life that allows her to enjoy a normal relationship like ordinary people do.

Album Title: Sticky
Album Artiste: Cyndi Wang
Music Publisher: Gold Typhoon Taiwan

01. 想你想你

02. 愛太空
03. 陪我到以後 Feat. 羅志祥 Show Luo

04. 黏黏黏黏
05. 搖滾吧姑娘
06. 不哭 (Taiwan Drama "Love keeps going" theme song)
07. 自行浪漫
08. 下一頁的我
09. 一直幸福
10. 愛的ATM

* Songs in bold are recommended tracks

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