Thursday, September 9, 2010

Miss ELVA 2010

2.45pm, 11th Sept 2010, Sunny
It was a fanastic weekend. Having to watch a concert of ELVA Hsiao @ Singapore Indoor Stadium with my primary & poly friend, Wei Keong. I guess, we did promise each other that when our adulthood starts, we must create and fulfill each little dreams of ours including watching concert @ Indoor Stadium of our idol(s).
Well, spending on a concert featuring my favourite artistes or even a musicial performance is how my friends and I distresses.

This 2 set of tickets were purchased in early July.

However, I won a set of 2 tickets in a contest. Yet this set of tickets was given a friend of mine, who is also a fan of ELVA as her first birthday gift.

My reward: A cup of Koi Tea. After getting the tickets for her, she insisted to meet me @ Bugis because she wanna pass me a cup of Koi tea.
At the end of the day: (It does not matter what I get, but the heart matters.
This is the kind of friendship worth treasuring!
Let the concert footage begin>>>

2010 ELVA Hsiao WOW! Concert @ Singapore

The first part of the concert began with a medley of "High" songs featuring

明天(tomorrow), L.O.V.E, 代言人(ambassador), 闪闪惹人爱(Shiny Love) and More More More...

It's time for some romantic classics love songs of ELVA Hsiao from 1999 - 2010

倒数(Counting Down)

The love & R & B hits sung in her third part of the concert include:
窗外的天氣(The weather), 我要的世界(The world I want, 吻(Kiss) , 冲动(Impulsive), 地下鐵 (The Tram), 問自己(Ask Myself), 最熟悉的陌生人(The most familiar stranger)...

我愛你那麼多(I love you so much)

ELVA Hsiao decides to greet her beloved fans @ upclose near the audiences seats

The Encore begins with ...

ELVA leading the her fans to do the 表白(Propose) moves but it turn out to be...
潘若迪-Pan Ruo Di(Taiwan artiste & Fitness trainer) funky dance moves instead of 表白 dances moves
" shake, shake, ah ha, shake shake, oh yeah!"

WOW! without Show Luo

Not forgetting the classics Dance hits 爱的主打歌 as the end hits of the WOW! Singapore 2010 Concert

Caught by surprise, pictures taken with local artiste, Felicia Chin with Wei Keong & Me

After the concert>>>

We brought the official posters @ Indoor stadium of WOW! Concert 2010.
After which, the last concert of ELVA Hsiao was back then in 2003 (Up to U).

We were amazed as Razor TV did a short interview of our views of the concert:
Link to the interview:

2010 ELVA Hsiao Latest Album, Miss ELVA
Sept 24, 2010
Another quality music by Gold Typhoon Music

Footage of ELVA Hsiao in WOW ! 2010 Singapore Concert @ Indoor Stadium
Check out the next post in a few days.

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