Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy or Lonely?!

5.06pm, Saturday, 18/09/2010, Sunny

A small retreat @ JB - from 7.30 - 3am on a Friday night (18/09/2010)with my frens and ex-colleagues! After 5 months, we are back @ JB.

Myself (Jeff)

Herbal Chicken
Gong Beng Piao Xiang
Pork ribs with Yam

*Fried Noodles with Dark Sauce
A must try with green chili and garlic with light soya sauce, a perfect combination no one can resist!

Healthy way of eating?


Well, ever since I started working during my secondary school days, I used enjoy every bits of my work and interacting with people just like now. Though, times had changed, I am doing a part time degree and working at the same time, but I guess, as we grew mature, many things we do have our own opinions and hope to see we do bring some changes to our life just like one aspect of my course had taught me, "to look at things from different perspectives."

Truly, as in life, there is no right or wrong in making a certain decision(s) at the point of time, it is just a matter of survival at the very right of time.

We hope to be known and be understood by others, it is a channel to let the people around you to accept you. But sometimes, if every bits and pieces of stuff you do, you need to explain, it can be tiring and does not bring any process especially in relationship, but it is a fact that we all have to accept be it in work, at school or relationship.

Everyday, it is learning process of life we have to accept.

Is it because most of our time we had spend on other stuff which we perceive to be important or because we hate or fear of failure in some parts of our life?

Ans: I don't know.

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