Friday, February 26, 2010

CNY - Chinese New Year 2010 - Part 2

9.48am, Saturday, 27 Feb 2010, Sunny

2005 CNY Gathering
People present - All including Me, Albert, Gary, Xiu Ling, Xian Hui & Kai Boon

2008 KBox Gathering @ Clementi
People Present - Kai Boon, Xiu Ling, Xian Hui, Albert & Me

2009 CNY Gathering @ Gary's Place
People Present - Gary, Kai Boon, Xiu Ling, Albert & Me

2009 New Year Gathering
People present: Kai Boon, Albert, Xian Hui & Me

Can you see a differences in the picture?
Well, the people gathered in the CNY dinner is getting lesser!

I don't know! Individal commitment.

The reason why I am uploading the pictures and comparing the facts is because, the one and only picture that all are present is during the days where I am really obsese and the picture is fading.

Can we have a new picture taken soon?

Finally, it is a saturday, yet I had an assignment to meet the coming deadline. There is a lot of information to read and research on before I start with the assignment.
Well, last week, Kai Boon, Albert and I met up for our "mini" group gathering.

Time: 8.30 - 11:00 pm
Location: Bugis
People Involved: Kai Boon, Albert, Me

Some of our Group Snap shoots:

Army theme

Crazy Theme

Angles Theme

Free style Theme

The snapshoots of the food

Dancing Theme

Running Theme

Act Cute Theme

The Year of "Tiger" Theme

Music I'm Currently Listening

>>>Next Week album review on Da Mouth Latest Album - 1, 2, 3

Music Review

Youtube MV Link - Rock It- Da Mouth

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