Monday, April 11, 2011

April Movie Pick_ Let the Bullets Fly

Watching a movie is a luxury. Back in the early days, often, I watched movies in a group of 4 at least, yet often, we will go by the majority of the group of the final movie selection. Thus, it does bring some disappointment. Probably maybe, there are a couple of moments when you would like to watch a movie yet the rest are not interested, so what is the move?
Watch it alone.
Well, unless I wanted to watch it badly, I will enter the movie theatre and buy a single ticket, a coca cola and enjoy the rest of the movie on my own. It used to be such lonesome feeling, but, once you get used to such moments, it is a freedom. But this time round, this movie that I will be introducing was brought to my attention by a friend of mine with surprises.
Cast starring like Chow Yun Fat, Carina Lau, Ge You, Jiang Wen, the movie set in China during the warring 1920, notorious bandit chief Zhang (Jiang Wen) descends upon a remote provincial town posing as its new mayor, an identity that he had hijacked from Old Tang (Ge You) and his wife (Carina Lau) , himself, a small-time imposter.
Hell-bent on making a fast buck, Zhang soon meet his match in the tyrannical local gentry Huang Si Liang (Chow Yun Fat) as a deadly battle of wit and brutality ensues.
With no strong promotion in Singapore but something to highlight, this movie has hit the box- office in China with remarkable record-breaking of 7 Billion dollars. Let the Bullets Fly, a movie packed with laughter, and unexpected twists.
Personal Rating:
3.6 out of 5
Cast: Chow Yun Fat, Carina Lau, Ge You, Jiang Wen
Genre: Action/ Adventure
Language: Mandarin
Release Date: 31 March 2011
Running Time: 132 Minutes

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