Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Cabinet

In Collaboration with ETCeteras & The Arts House
The Cabinet
Written and directed by: Lim Hai Yen
Produced By:
Mr Baey Yam Keng

演员表 (Cast):
黄家强 (Johhny Ng) – MM, Marketing Manager
铭亮 (Leanne Ong) – SM, Stage Manager
林华隆 (Lim Wah Long) – PM, Production Manager
雷宇 (Leo Lei) – Director/Actor
Moli - ATM, Assistant Technical Manager

So if you think you know the definition of some of the short forms S.M, P.M, M.M in our everyday language? Think Again! Well especially when this terms which we know are politically link, e.g. MM as Minister Mentor, SM as Senior Minister, PM as Prime Minister etc. Then, I guess, this play will have this terms redefined.

The theatre company struggles to put together a monologue about a man and his cabinet. However, the censorship board had reflected that the play is not racy, the lines of the cast is too sleazy etc. Yet, the response was warming as tickets are sold and audiences are waiting for the show to start. Are the characters, SM - Stage Manager, MM - Marketing Manager as well as the PM - Production Manager able to save the situation?

To find out what happen next, make your move to get the tickets. A mandarin play with English subtitles provided, a comedy about obsessions and successions which you will realise how important and tough it is to bring something that is impossible to a dream come true?

Below are some Up-close pictures of the full dress rehearsal:

Mr Baey and the cast

Up-close Pictures @ The Cabinet

Male Lead Actor: Johnny Ng

In the picture: Johnny Ng (Marketing Manager), Leanne Ong (Stage Manager) , Leo Lei (Director/Actor) and Moli (Assistant Stage Manager)

Special thanks to Mr and Mrs Baey for this exclusive backstage pass.

More for information, log on to

21-25 July 2010 ; 28-30 July 2010

The Arts House
1 Old Parliament Lane
Singapore 179429
Tel: (+65) 6332 6900

Ticketing Details:
(+65) 6332 6919


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