Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 and 2011

Before we say goodbye to 2010, I would say, 2010 is definitely a better year for me.

Compared to 2009, when my opportunity turned out to be a disaster, a family matter that happened in 2009 July that turn my world upside down. I began not to trust people around me, and it was hard for me to say goodbye to a young relative that we had lost who we had re-connect months before his death. Well, things got so bad that I began to hope those people who harm the innocent will get their punishment from God immediately as some people don't deserve to live in the world will just leave the world and vanish forever.

(Certain things, you will not understand unless you experienced it yourself.)

Well, this year 2010, before it conclude in the next few days, it is a year, I had come to know a lot of new friends, colleagues from different organisation, more affirm to make the next move in life, as I began to get little praise from the things I do, but it is just better than nothing.

I never forget:
1. The little notes that my managers and fellow colleagues, friends who are older than me had reminded me in life.
2. I began to know myself better to reject things I dislike and to praise more when needed.
3. Treasure things that I might lost so that I will not regret and look back feeling lost.

To those who loved me from Jan - Dec 2010:
Thanks for the help and concern in life, God Bless!

Though it may not be the best year but it is definitely better than 2009 and 2008.

Let's look forward to 2011 and hope everyone will have better health, raising economy and more job opportunities to those who yet to find a job after graduation (to my friends).

The next post, let me conclude 2010 with the following topics:
1 Shocked Entertainment news
2 Average movies over rated
3 Best Concerts of the year (in Singapore)
4 Average albums over rated
5 Best albums of the year (Mandarin)
6 Best Movies of the Year

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