Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Exam Fever 17- 29 May 2010

29/05/2010 (Saturday)

@ 12.15pm (as shown on the exam hall clock)
I was with kelly and her best friend, Ping Ping, as well as another classmate who told me he lost 60 marks due to wrong interpretation of the questions).

After exam, I was alone heading down to IMM to purchase a new set of earphones as it was spolit, Gavin asked me out on Saturday night, yet because I had a race to run, thus, I had to turn down, though I really hope to sing KTV with him.

Everything is back to square one.
No more exam.

Yet, I learnt my lesson throughout this period to put in more effort in preparation for exam in order not to feel the inner grieve and apprehensiveness after leaving the examination hall.

The day is here, judgement day for ACC203.
Well, I hope I will survive this exam structure though it is comign to my third year soon.

Preparation for the last paper, ACC203 - Managerial Accounting.

Familiarising with the formulas was the tough thing throughout the 5 days, it was an inner struggle to get all the formulas and memorising them even with the amount of practice
A two hour morning paper that I truly need a lot of preparation doing practices and sums to correct my mistakes and gain insights.

24/05/2010 (Monday)

SSC203 - Social and Organisational Behaviour Exam
A two hours paper from 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Personal Notes:

I managed to read the study guide and textbook topics that will be tested.

Though @ the same time, Me and another friend of mine, Yongda was taking the same paper, we exchange the similar cue and firm handshake that this paper is slightly better than than PSY 203- Abnormal Psychology.

I met Gavin, he was sitting down at one of the tables, waiting for the crowd to get the bags and leave the hall, while the rest of the candidates began to leave the hall, Gavin and I exchange some thoughts for the paper.

23/05/2010 (Sunday)

Personal Notes:
Whenever I am down, or had difficulties in trying to remember the notes or reading materials for my exam, I will do a run. I used to be obese, which some of my new friends did not believe, as I don't look like someone who used to weigh 110kg.

But I guess as some of my friends had mentioned, it was my hard work that pay off to maintain the current look. Well, the reason for keeping fit is because of the bad remarks that I used to get during school days, which inspire me to prove to others that I no longer want to be named as a person who is lazy or fat, as it hurts.

Though some of the secondary or poly classmates who had made the remarks are no longer keeping in contact yet through some of my secondary and poly friends whom they still see did them on street, they did "spread the words" of my fruit of success.

Well, I just wanna prove that "if you put in effort to change something, you can do it no matter what circumstances."

I am not a introvert or extrovert person yet running had lead me to gain new friends and build my character.

@ Ngee Ann Poly Block 50
One of my "Hideout"places which give me inspiration whenever I am lost in direction of life.

20/05/2010 (Thursday) - Psy 203 Abnormal Behaviour Paper

It was my first time I feel so lost walking out of UNISim exam hall.

But I was not alone, my friends Ann and Gavin was feeling the same or I was the only one?
It was liked after taking a roller coaster ride feeling uneasy.

It was the first time having dinner with Gavin, a daring and out-spoken classmates who is one of the new friend that I knew in Psy 205. We agreed to have a late dinner or should I comment it as supper instead.

We order 3 dishes, 1 of us choose the dish we wanted and the 3 dishes, spicy sotong was agreed between us. We had shared lots of stuff that we will do in our past time, common hobbies (Singing KTV, which I hope we can have a chance to meet soon!)

Source of Motivation: Food

Coffee Ribs

Samba Kang Kong

Spicy Sotong

20/05/2010 (Thursday) @ 7a.m

Personal Notes:

@ Kallang Mc Donald's Near Singapore Indoor Stadium
A group of new friends (Cyndi, Jessie, Yong Da) and I spent a night from 12-6.45am to study @ Kallang Mc Donald's.

Psy 203 - Abnormal Psychology.
A paper that I had no confident with.

Dated: 18/05/2010 (Tuesday)

1st place to study @ UniSIM Namly Campus - I had changed a location to study to get inspiration.

2nd place to Study: @ NUS Student Centre. (A student that don't belong to the school)

Dated: 17/05/2010 (Monday)

Personal Notes:

I was nervous, before entering the unfamiliar exam hall, I had my private moment to refer the notes and trying very hard to do last min (remembering them- though I have more storage space in my mind)

While walking to exam hall, I saw Gavin, we greeted each other.

And after so, we continue to look through the notes.

2 hours just passed.

Leaving the exam hall, I met a secondary school friend, Noraini, who we had not met for ages.

O.S: I hope I will pass the entire module, PSY 205- Social Psychology.

Dated: 15/05/2010 (Saturday)

Personal Notes:

Happy Belated Birthday to Sherline & Desmond (2 Best Friends that I knew during my 3 years in Republic Poly from PDP - English Class)

There have more common similarities as both are happily attached and married.

O.S: ( I hope we are not best friends that only meet once or twice a year)

My Poly Friends and their loved ones

In the picture from the left to right
Me (Jeff), Jun Yua, Kah Leng, Wei Keong, Dennis, Baby Lucas, Sherline, Bear Bear Chua (Desmond), and Patrick

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