Monday, May 31, 2010

Sundown Marathon 2010

Friends who knew me long enough would know that getting me to do exercise is the hardest thing anyone had ever try to persuade especially my poly friends, keong and Yuan asking me out for badminton back then in 2005.

Yet now, I would comment that if I don't do it at least once a week, I will simply feel uncomfortable.

1st Reason:
Well, though I deny over the years, I had witness the pros of doing exercises and the need to do it as it was due to red alarm from my family doctor who was warning me that if I don't start doing something to my weight problem, you will definitely face some serious chronic illness such as heart discomfort, high blood pressure.

2nd Reason:
I guess, the motivation to woo someone during my poly days was the greatest motivation. Yet in the end, the rest of my friends should know what is the ending of the "Fairy Never Tales"

3rd Reason:
However, just recently, I just found a new reason to increase my frequent of exercise, quoting from a Taiwan variety show co host which both of us shared the similar opinion, "I choose to do intense exercise, because I want to eat more good food."

The Start of my exercise plan and the painful lesson learnt:
During my BMT days, I was asked to join a group of friends who was in the platoon for a run during our night OTOT (Own Time Own Target) hours, this four friends of mine, Shawn, Ting Ann as well as two of my section commanders, Kelvin and Aragon was the greatest motivators in life started doing 1 km to eventually more and more platoon mates join us and the further we will run as we were motivated to shed and lose some inches and make sure we pass the IPPT and getting in to command school.

Eventually, the rest of friends went to command school but not for me, as they managed to pass their IPPT. I was extremely disappointed with myself as it changed my life encounters to be placed with little opinions and going through lots of painful events in life which no one can understand for the rest of my army days.

Well, because of this eagerness to lose weight and to prove myself as someone who was so close to get the things I want, and to change the dreadful events in life at camp thus I put in double effort. Even with OTOT (Own Time Own Target) hours, I was doing exercise alone even though some friends back in camp was nice wanted to join me but I just cannot forgive myself not making it to command school and eventually knowing how important rank is in my unit thus exercise time was my reflection hours.

However, the environment you are at really influence the characters of the person.

Though eventually, Me, Ting Ann, Shawn were not in the same unit, school, but we still keep in contact. Back then, booking out time was precious, but this friends will keep me accompany and the idea to maintain our weight and have a great figure were running in our heads as we are handsome singles.

Eventually, running has build my character, doing things with perseverance and bad temper if I fail to complete or accomplish things I had not placed effort to make a change. I believe, there is nothing you can't do, "it is just a matter of time, whatever you want to or you don't wish to."

We choose to join the Singapore Marathon organised by Standard Chartered Bank and Adidas.

42 km was a mission to complete, perseverance was the key.
After my last paper on Saturday, 29 May 2010, I was waiting for sunset.
As Sundown Marathon is a new try out marathon with a manageable distance, 21km.

Sundown Marathon 21 Km Route

My Tag No : 07461

Me - A Picture taken by my friend

Some pictures taken my

21km Half Marathon gathering point

A dedication and A Word of Thanks to my friend:
Happy Birthday to u, keong!
May all wishes come true whether in work or study and good health.
Thanks for being my friend since primary school, secondary, poly days, and till now!
Times flies, 17 years of precious moments and fond memories are the best gift we had shared for decades!

A picture taken dated 13 June 2008 @ Double O while clubbing!

Theme for This week:
Two great singers under the same roof with extreme level of treatment and promotions

Artiste: Irene Dai Ai Ling
Album Title: Tone
Music Publisher: Sony Music Taiwan

Many fans who knew about Irene Dai Ai Ling, commented, "she should and can be famous, if only with the same level of advertising like ELVA, Jolin, Jay Chou and Show Luo."
She has her character and X-factors yet time after time, she lacks the right person to give her the level of attention and peak of her career which she miss it in the beginning in the year 2002-2003 @ EMI Virgin Music.

About a year after Love Sign, Taiwan singer Tai Ailing is out there promoting her 2010 new album titled Tone. Known as the "Iron Vocal Princess", Ailing has an explosive voice that makes a great fit for tear jerking love songs, and after experiencing the loss of a relationship herself recently, she is especially infectious singing the sorrow of women suffering from the pain of heartbreak.

Tone gives us 10 bittersweet new songs with dramatic stories, like the titular first plug Tiao Tong is a powerful and emotional ballad based on a true story from Ailing's sister. The album's other main cuts include "Firewall", "Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide", and the Yang Pei An duet "Just One More Look At You".

01. 閉上眼睛愛 02. 跳痛 03. 昨天的明天 04. 防火牆 05. 加減乘除 06. 好壞 07. 說不出原諒 08. 未來式 09. 左右 10. 只要再看你一眼 (合唱: 楊培安)

** Songs in Bold Green are recommended tracks.

Youtube MV Link:

只要再看你一眼by 楊培安&戴愛玲

Dai Ai Ling Album Profit Picture in 2002- Magic Album

Do You Tube?

Voted as KTV Top 10 Most challenging Singles in Taiwan:

Youtube MV Hits: 对的人 by 戴爱玲 (Irene Dai Ai Ling)

Do You Tube?

2010 YES 933 Can Drama "爱无尽"Theme Song
愛了就知道 by 戴愛玲

An Overview of Irene Dai Ai Ling Albums in EMI Virgin Music and Sony Music from 2002 -2010:

From 2002-2003 in EMI Virgin Music:

From 2008-2010 in Sony Music:

Album Artiste: Jay Chou
Album Title: The Era
Music Publisher: Sony Music Taiwan

This might be the album many fans had been waiting for - a brand new album from Jay Chou!

More than one and a half years since his last Mando-pop masterpiece Capricorn, the Taiwanese superstar has kept himself busy with his movie engagements. He has even made his first idol drama, and taken the first step in his Hollywood venture.

In 2010, his 10th year as a singer-songwriter, Jay returns to lead Chinese pop music into a brave new era. His highly anticipated 10th album will be released in May, which will be followed by a world tour beginning in June. The first single off the album is called "This Superhero Can't Fly", in which Jay sings about the downside of fame as he learned firsthand through an eventful decade in the show business.

CD Playlist
01. 跨時代 02. 說了再見 03. 煙花易冷 04. 免費教學錄影帶 05. 好久不見 06. 雨下一整晚
07. 嘻哈空姐 08. 我落淚。情緒零碎 09. 愛的飛行日記 10. 自導自演 11. 超人不會飛

DVD Playlist
01. 超人不會飛 MV 02. 免費教學錄影帶 MV

**Songs in Purple Bond are recommended tracks in the album.

Do you Tube?

Recommended Tracks:
Youtube MV Hits: - 好久不見 by 周傑倫 (Jay Chou)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Exam Fever 17- 29 May 2010

29/05/2010 (Saturday)

@ 12.15pm (as shown on the exam hall clock)
I was with kelly and her best friend, Ping Ping, as well as another classmate who told me he lost 60 marks due to wrong interpretation of the questions).

After exam, I was alone heading down to IMM to purchase a new set of earphones as it was spolit, Gavin asked me out on Saturday night, yet because I had a race to run, thus, I had to turn down, though I really hope to sing KTV with him.

Everything is back to square one.
No more exam.

Yet, I learnt my lesson throughout this period to put in more effort in preparation for exam in order not to feel the inner grieve and apprehensiveness after leaving the examination hall.

The day is here, judgement day for ACC203.
Well, I hope I will survive this exam structure though it is comign to my third year soon.

Preparation for the last paper, ACC203 - Managerial Accounting.

Familiarising with the formulas was the tough thing throughout the 5 days, it was an inner struggle to get all the formulas and memorising them even with the amount of practice
A two hour morning paper that I truly need a lot of preparation doing practices and sums to correct my mistakes and gain insights.

24/05/2010 (Monday)

SSC203 - Social and Organisational Behaviour Exam
A two hours paper from 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Personal Notes:

I managed to read the study guide and textbook topics that will be tested.

Though @ the same time, Me and another friend of mine, Yongda was taking the same paper, we exchange the similar cue and firm handshake that this paper is slightly better than than PSY 203- Abnormal Psychology.

I met Gavin, he was sitting down at one of the tables, waiting for the crowd to get the bags and leave the hall, while the rest of the candidates began to leave the hall, Gavin and I exchange some thoughts for the paper.

23/05/2010 (Sunday)

Personal Notes:
Whenever I am down, or had difficulties in trying to remember the notes or reading materials for my exam, I will do a run. I used to be obese, which some of my new friends did not believe, as I don't look like someone who used to weigh 110kg.

But I guess as some of my friends had mentioned, it was my hard work that pay off to maintain the current look. Well, the reason for keeping fit is because of the bad remarks that I used to get during school days, which inspire me to prove to others that I no longer want to be named as a person who is lazy or fat, as it hurts.

Though some of the secondary or poly classmates who had made the remarks are no longer keeping in contact yet through some of my secondary and poly friends whom they still see did them on street, they did "spread the words" of my fruit of success.

Well, I just wanna prove that "if you put in effort to change something, you can do it no matter what circumstances."

I am not a introvert or extrovert person yet running had lead me to gain new friends and build my character.

@ Ngee Ann Poly Block 50
One of my "Hideout"places which give me inspiration whenever I am lost in direction of life.

20/05/2010 (Thursday) - Psy 203 Abnormal Behaviour Paper

It was my first time I feel so lost walking out of UNISim exam hall.

But I was not alone, my friends Ann and Gavin was feeling the same or I was the only one?
It was liked after taking a roller coaster ride feeling uneasy.

It was the first time having dinner with Gavin, a daring and out-spoken classmates who is one of the new friend that I knew in Psy 205. We agreed to have a late dinner or should I comment it as supper instead.

We order 3 dishes, 1 of us choose the dish we wanted and the 3 dishes, spicy sotong was agreed between us. We had shared lots of stuff that we will do in our past time, common hobbies (Singing KTV, which I hope we can have a chance to meet soon!)

Source of Motivation: Food

Coffee Ribs

Samba Kang Kong

Spicy Sotong

20/05/2010 (Thursday) @ 7a.m

Personal Notes:

@ Kallang Mc Donald's Near Singapore Indoor Stadium
A group of new friends (Cyndi, Jessie, Yong Da) and I spent a night from 12-6.45am to study @ Kallang Mc Donald's.

Psy 203 - Abnormal Psychology.
A paper that I had no confident with.

Dated: 18/05/2010 (Tuesday)

1st place to study @ UniSIM Namly Campus - I had changed a location to study to get inspiration.

2nd place to Study: @ NUS Student Centre. (A student that don't belong to the school)

Dated: 17/05/2010 (Monday)

Personal Notes:

I was nervous, before entering the unfamiliar exam hall, I had my private moment to refer the notes and trying very hard to do last min (remembering them- though I have more storage space in my mind)

While walking to exam hall, I saw Gavin, we greeted each other.

And after so, we continue to look through the notes.

2 hours just passed.

Leaving the exam hall, I met a secondary school friend, Noraini, who we had not met for ages.

O.S: I hope I will pass the entire module, PSY 205- Social Psychology.

Dated: 15/05/2010 (Saturday)

Personal Notes:

Happy Belated Birthday to Sherline & Desmond (2 Best Friends that I knew during my 3 years in Republic Poly from PDP - English Class)

There have more common similarities as both are happily attached and married.

O.S: ( I hope we are not best friends that only meet once or twice a year)

My Poly Friends and their loved ones

In the picture from the left to right
Me (Jeff), Jun Yua, Kah Leng, Wei Keong, Dennis, Baby Lucas, Sherline, Bear Bear Chua (Desmond), and Patrick

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Her Birthday, Our Wishes Part 2

For the passed few weeks, I had been spending most of my time on books (as shown on the picture below) doing revision for the upcoming exam.

After exams, the 2 things that I hope to do:

Navy Opening House @ Changi
(I will have to give it a miss, as it is at the wrong time.
Though I hope to bring my nephew to see exhibition)

Sex and the City?
(Yes, this movie you are not gonna miss it, as it is the fastest way to understand the girls around you. There is nothing to be afraid of, guys! )

Watch it with your girlfriend(s), there is nothing to be shy of and you will definitely love it!

In my previous post, I had received friends and some bloggers emails about the previous post titled: Her Birthday, Our Wishes Part 1.

Most of the questions are posted to my mail was about, "where is the place that you recommended?"

Well, I decided to post the address and the place of the cafe that me and my group of friends (G4) has recommended.

The following is the address and details:

Place: Sunset Grill & Pub @ Former Seletar Air Base
Address: 140B Piccadilly, Singapore Flying Club
Opening Hours: Daily4pm – 11pm (Closed on Tuesdays)
Telephone to Dial (Reservation): 6482 0244

Well, the part two of our celebration began @ Mc Donald's, Bukit Batok Central branch.

Newly named Group: MacK4

MacK4 Members - Jeff, Lyn & Patrick

Not forgetting Birthday Girl: Adelene

The place that we had our part 2 outing for Adelene's birthday is at Jurong East, near Toh Guan Road.

The following is the address and other details:

MacK4 Members: Azlin, Patrick, Adelene & Jeff (Myself)
Place: Dean's Cafe Pte Ltd
Address: 267a Toh Guan Road, #01-01 Multi Storey Car Park, 601267
Telephone to dial: 6566 8016‎

Recommended dishes

菜莆河粉 (Cai Po Hor Fan)

Adelene's Favourite dish
Lemon Chicken

A feast for the birthday girl and the kind souls!

Mission Accomplished!

Yet the meal would not be completed without ice cream @ Mc Donald's.
Well, that is the spirits of MacK4, that's my Mc Donald's!

Artiste: Rainie Yang
Album Title: Rainie Yang Whimsical Collection (3CD+DVD)
Music Publisher: Sony Music Taiwan

To coincide with her first major concert at the Taipei Arena on April 24, Rainie Yang is releasing her first best-of album containing three new songs in a 3CD+DVD set!

The highly sought-after package houses 35 Mando-pop hits selected from Rainie's five best-selling albums thus far, from My Intuition in 2005, to Meeting Love (2006), My Other Self (2007), Rainie's Proclamation: Not Yet A Woman (2008), and Rainie & Love...? (2009-2010) earlier this year.

The Taiwan cutie idol also throws in three new songs to please the hardcore fans, including the concert theme song Whimsical World and two other brand new tracks, what's more, the accompanying DVD offers 15 lovely music videos from 2006-2010 of her singing career with Sony Music!

Recommended Hits

Youtube MV Link:
Folded Love (折疊式愛情) by Rainie Yang (楊丞琳)

Youtube MV Link
異想天開 (Wild Fantasy) by Rainie Yang

CD 1

**01. 異想天開 (new)

**02. 偏食 (new)

**03. 黑色月亮 (new)

04. 小茉莉 (刺青電影主題曲) 05. 折疊式愛情 06. 太煩惱 07. 只想愛你 08. In Your Eyes/ feat.羅志祥 (偶像劇 海派甜心 插曲) 09. 理想情人 10. 不見 11. 甜心咒 12. 任意門 13. 曖昧 (日文版)

CD 2
01. 曖昧 (偶像劇惡魔在身邊 主題曲) 02. 可愛 03. 單眼皮 04. 狼來了 05. 青春鬥 06. 倔強 07. 找不到 08. 過敏 (愛戀金誓廣告曲) 09. 我的愛吊點滴 10. 絕對達令 11. 冷戰 12. 你是壞人 13. 雨愛 (偶像劇海派甜心主題曲)

CD 3
01. 帶我走 (偶像劇不良笑花 主題曲) 02. 幸福的節拍 (黑人牙膏廣告曲) 03. 完美比例 04. 缺氧 (偶像劇換換愛主題曲) 05. 匿名的好友 (韓劇燦爛的遺產主題曲) 06. 左邊 07. 在你懷裡的微笑 08. 學會 09. 慶祝 10. 下一次微笑 11. 遇上愛 (中華電信廣告曲) 12. 恋の魔法

DVD MV Playlist
01. 曖昧 02. 單眼皮 03. 慶祝 04. 遇上愛 05. 缺氧 06. 任意門 07. 帶我走 08. 太煩惱 09. 冷戰10. 我的愛吊點滴 11. 雨愛 12. In Your Eyes 13. 匿名的好友 14. 青春鬥 15. 絕對達令

**Those in Bold Red are New songs.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Her Birthday, Our Wishes Part 1

was the title for this new post, I can't think of a better title to name it, it just strike my mind to have this title. Well, Adelene, one of my best pals, travel buddy celebrates her 20s birthday with G4 include Selene, Augustine, Me (not MacK4- this name is used when Pat,Lyn and I were presented).

The place where we celebrated this important day of hers was recommended by Augustine and Selene, hint *(it is near Jalan Kayu). Those who like western style of dining, this is the place that I will recommend for couples, friends, or even clients if you are bringing someone of the opposite sexes. As the scenery will be best incentive that anyone will be dumbfounded with, believe it and of course, the food that is served is mouthwatering, especially the buffalo wings which comes with spiciness level 1 to 20 and the baked lasagna!

Date: 2nd May 2010
Place: Northern Part of Singapore
Title: Adelene Celebrations part I: the special place for a special celebration

Beautiful scenery

G4 Featuring
Birthday Girl (Adelene), Jeff, Augustine & Selene

Our Group Picture
Featuring Birthday Girl (Adelene), Jeff, Augustine & Selene

2 Best Frens!

Baked Lasagna

Pan fried fish garnished with almonds

Buffalo wings that comes in different spiciness level from level 1 to 10.
**WARNING** We ordered level #2 to eat safe!

Fried Mushrooms + Buffalo Wing
A recommended side dishes from Augustine & Selene

Music I'm Currently Listening

Artiste: Jane Zhang
Album Title: Believe In Jane
Music Publisher: Universal Music

China's top singer Jane Zhang opened a new chapter of her career in 2009. She formed her own record label (Show City Times), signed to Universal Music, and was honored with Kitaro's musical soundtrack album Impressions of the West Lake - in which she sings the theme song - receiving a Grammy nomination.

Getting more and more international recognition, Jane is releasing her first album with the record giant in February 2010, approximately a year after her previous album Jane@Music. Titled Believe in Jane, the new album is produced by acclaimed Taiwan musician Adia, and is built around the theme "the diva with a hundred changes" - changes in terms of musical style and image, the latter courtesy of famous stylist Fang Chi Lon.

The CD contains 12 new songs and two instrumental tracks, including the title song "I Believe" penned by Jane herself, and the theme songs from the movies Mulan and Panda Express.
This version features 2 bonus songs: "Courageous Love" and Impressions of the West Lake, plus a DVD with 5 music videos.

CD Playlist
01. Intro
02. 熱
03. 我相信
04. 勇敢愛(國際版獨家新歌)
05. 就這樣好了
06. I DO
07. 如果這就是愛情
08. 快活
09. 辦不到 feature DA MOUTH (大嘴巴)
10. 低嗨
12. 我們都辜負了愛
13. 需要你
14. 音軌檢查
15. 木蘭星(電影「花木蘭」主題曲)
16. 朝思暮想(電影「熊貓大俠」主題曲)
17. 印象西湖雨 (喜多郎製作葛萊美獎入圍作品,亞洲首度CD化收錄)

*Those in Bold Orange are recommended tracks.

DVD Playlist
01. 勇敢愛 02. 辦不到 03. 我相信 04. 如果這就是愛情 05. 就這樣好了

Youtube MV Link:
如果这就是爱情 (If this is love) - 张靓颖 (Jane Zhang)

Artiste: Jocie Guo Mei Mei
Album Title: I am Jocie
Music Publisher: Warner Music Singapore

I am Jocie or better known as Guo Mei Mei, homegrown singer Jocie Guo has had two hit albums under her cute sweetie belt: her debut effort No More Panic in 2006, and My Darling in 2007. Roughly two and a half years later, Jocie resurfaces with her long-awaited third album I am Jocie, introducing her new look to the fans.

This album is remarkably heavy in K-pop flavor, thanks to the participation of Rain's album photographer Lee Jae Yoon, Girls' Generation's music video director Jo Soo Hyeon, as well as Super Junior and Lee Hyo Ri's dance choreographer Feel.

What's more, the album features two remakes of K-pop hit songs, namely "Gimme a Call" (originally Davichi's 8282) and "Tell Me" (originally Wonder Girls' Tell Me).

Not everything is imported, though, since the album also contains original works, and Jocie herself has contributed three compositions - "Clear Blue Sea", "Love Him For Me", and "Wishing Tree".

01. 和我來電
02. 海水正藍
03. 什麼態度
04. 討厭
05. 放了愛
06. 二人同行
07. 倒數幸福
08. 當美女
09. 代我愛他
10. 許願樹

*Those in Bold RED are recommended tracks

Youtube MV Link:
二人同行(Together - Theme Song for Channel U drama, The Illusionist)
by 郭美美(Jocie Guo)
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