Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hear The Music, Feel The Beat!

2.34pm, Saturday, 23 Jan 2010, Sunny

3 weeks after our G6 Phuket trip, though I still have pictures of our holiday in my facebook account, and the videos clips, this are kept memories and footage of some of our interesting and crazy events that we had shared for the 4 days 3 nights. Yet, everything had to be set aside because of work and study.

In the coming week, a new semester will commence. Well, it is time to work hard and earn as much to prepare for the next holiday. Though I am still considering the different places which I had visited and the weighting the cost, culture, food etc.

If everything is finalised, I will simply pack my bags and move on...

During the 4 days 3 nights with G6, I will comment, it was a great opportunity to know my friends even more than simply the "go out and chill" type of friends and their thoughts, bad habits etc. Adelene, one of the G6 members is my "so-called" mate and buddy for the trip as the other pair of G4 are couples, thus, as Adelene 's boyfriend was unable to join us for the trip and as for me, who is still single, the entire trip simply bond us closer and understand each other in different context or at different times. For this reason, she was my invited guest for Jan 08, 2010, David Tao concert @ Indooor stadium.

Mission: DT In Space, The Rock & Talk Concert
Date: 08 Jan, 2010
Location: Raffles City ->Singapore Indoor Stadium
People Involved: Me (Jeff) & Adelene
Below are some of our pictures that we had taken @ DT concert:

My best friend & I (Adelene & Jeff)

Dinner @ Osaka Town, Raffles City

Osaka Town is a 2-in-1 concept restaurant which serves authentic Okonomiyaki and Omu Rice from Osaka, Japan, recommended place for all.

Me (Jeff) having dinner with Adelene

Chicken teriyaki with egg hotpan set
@ Singapore Indoor Stadium

It was an impressive performance by David Tao, we enjoy the live music as DT had changed some of his original presentation of his songs to soul, rock, or un-plug, simply by one or two guituars.
Some of the songs that DT had sung include:

《Another Brick in the Wall》

《Sunshine of Your Love》

Eagles 's《Hotel California》





The Beatles《All You Need Is Love》

David Tao getting out of the fences to shake hands with fans at the front row, as he felt restricted as though he is the animal in the cage @ Night Safrai.

DT standing on the platform

David Tao singing 《All you need is love》

DT singing 《Hotel California》

Me @ Indoor Stadium

Music I 'm Currently Listening

Momo Love and Hi Sweetheart are the 2 dramas that I had recently been watching, and the artistes including Cyndi Wang "Heart To Heart album " from both dramas had released their albums which had won support from Asia. Thus, this week, I will introduce Rainie Yang and Show Luo 's album in "Music I 'm currently listening" column.

Show Luo 羅生門 (Luo 7) Album

Date of Release: 15 Jan 2010
Music Publisher: Gold Typhoon
Genre: Ballad, Pop
Language: Mandarin

Trendsetting Taiwan pop idol Show Luo has again showed us the foremost in fashion with his 2010 new album. Luo Sheng Men (the title inspired by Rashomon) is the stylish dance king's seventh solo album, released about a year after last winter's Trendy Man.

It is expected to carry songs from his latest idol drama Hi My Sweetheart co-starring Rainie Yang, including the opening theme "Love Crazy Head", featured songs "Love Doesn't Come Alone" and "Biological Clock", as well as the album first plug "Love's Home Turf".

The Preorder Version comes with a set of postcards and a pair of sunglasses.

Youtube MV Link ( Ai Bu Dian Xing):
Recommended Tracks:
01. 羅生門
02. 愛的主場秀
04. 習慣就好
06. 愛瘋頭
07. In Your Eyes feat. 楊丞琳
12. WOW feat. 蕭亞軒

Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

A good marketing strategy + Hi SweetHeart Drama now telecase in Taiwan and Starhub Cable TV in Channel 56 with improvement in vocal presentation will definitely be a winning factor in album sales.

Date of Release: 01 Jan 2010
Music Publisher: Sony Music
Genre: Ballad, Pop
Language: Mandarin

Taiwan sweetheart Rainie Yang retained her crown as the queen of idol dramas in 2009 with the one-two punch of ToGetHer and Hi My Sweetheart. She starts off 2010 in equally high spirits with her brand new Mando-pop album Rainie & Love ...? and her Japanese debut single! Rainie & Love ...? includes Hi My Sweetheart's hit ending theme "Rain Love", a heartfelt mid-tempo ballad about the tears of happiness and sorrow that love brings.

Like with her previous album, the cute diva trys out new and different musical and vocal styles in Rainie & Love ...?, highlighting her continuous growth as a singer.

海派甜心插曲 (青春鬥 - 楊丞琳)

Recommended tracks:
01. 雨愛
02. In Your Eyes
03. 青春鬥
06. 匿名的好友
09. 新流感
10. 二度戀愛

Overall Rating:

3.6 out of 5.

Rainie Yang had simply improved from her previous album, especially her vocal, this album is worth supporting.

Next Week in Music Review>>>

Wang Jing Lun

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