Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do We Understand Ourselves?!

4.38am, Sunday, 29/11/2009, Windy

Do take note before reading this post, do not be very sensitive if you are the person whom might fit into the picture as you might not be the person or group I'm indirectly referring.

As we grew older, we began not understanding ourselves as much as we used to be. Sometimes, the directions, the path we are heading are directed or often tag along with others whom we trusted.

Thus, as this goes on for years, we had no choice but continue to follow the same footsteps with our friends, loved ones on certain activities or instructions which they feel or said simply "meant for our own good" but often are they doing this for own good?

Well, gauge yourself as you are old to make the choice in life.

I was quite pissed with the fact as we are caught in situation with no chance to voice out our opinions. Thus others will assume we are often very used to have them to make the choice for us. But sometimes in another perspective, it is often "them" who take the initiative? Do we take the move instead?

I don't know?!

However, as a person who disliked to be directed especially on the choice on entertainment. Within the week, I did make a wise and a choice which wasted our time which we can spent on better stuff that we can do instead. But that does not mean, we made a wrong choice as there are always a better opinions ahead just as we had discussed to watch the movies screening in December.

Not only on this matter, even taking a picture, they have to live with the "Yes" and "No" of whether they can take a picture with their friends?!

What a joke! Yet, I hope this situation will improve.

To find out what happen, read the personal opinions on movie review, and you will know the answer.

A gift from Kai Boon from Secret Receipe!
Steamboat @ Bugis Xian De Lai
Place: Bugis Xian De Lai steamboat Restaurant
Time: 8.45pm- 11.25pm
Date: 28 November 2009
Person Involved: Kai Boon, Albert, Jeff (Me) N Miss Unclassified (As she can't reveal her identify due to some reasons)

My favourite: Fresh Prawn!

Kai Boon say "Fish"
Who is the person sitting near to Kai Boon, well, she is Miss Unclassified!
She can't reveal her identity due to some reasons, yet to us, she will always be our best friends whenever she needs us.

Albert N Jeff (Me)
I just can't stop laughing at the jokes said by Albert on facial stuff...!

@ Bugis Ah Chew Desserts
All Time Favourites!

Rock Sugar white fungus
Barley with white fungus

Mango Sago with Pomelo

Watermelon Sago
Movie Review
My Girlfriend is a Agent

Soo-ji and Jae -Joon were once a couple until Jae-Joon could not take her lies anymore. Years later, they meet each other again and the situation is changed. A Russian organised crime syndicate sets out to steal an advanced chemical weapon from Korea and two secret agents from separate departments are assigned to stop them. Soo-Ji is a veteran secret agent who has mastered all forms of martial arts, and Jae-Joon is a rookie cop and always goofs up on the job. While the two work out their relationship, they go behind each other's back to fulfil their mission to save the world.
Cast: Kim Ha-neul, Kang Ji-hwan
Genre: Comedy and Action
Running Time: 114 Minutes
Language: Korea with English and Chinese Subtitle
Rating 3. 5 out of 5
Personal remarks: Though this movie is only 114minutes, but it is a movie worth the time, money on a movie which comprises of action, romance and comedy. It is worth to catch the movie even in weekend @ $10 per ticket.

Movie Review
The Twilight Saga- New Moon The Movie

Bella Swan is devastated by the abrupt departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen but her spirit is rekindled by her growing friendship with the irresistible Jacob Black. However, suddenly she finds herself drawn into the world of the werewolves, ancestral enemies of the vampires and finds her loyalties tested.
Cast: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
Running Time: 130 minutes
Language: English
Overall Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Personal Remarks:
I did not watch the first part of the movie, but I give a pass grade as it will be unfair as I heard the first series was really impressive.
The New Moon series is a letdown. The first 50 minutes of the movie is just an overall setting of the plot which is boring, it is till the second half of the 130 minutes, the action and romance as well as the fantasy did prevent me from leaving my seat, or having a 10 minutes washroom break or even going to the snack bar to get more titbits.

Seriously, I would rather read the book then to watch this movie on a public holiday which cost $10 per ticket.
If you seriously want to watch this movie, there are 3 alternatives:
  1. First, watch this when it is a weekday which cost less than the price you will probably purchase a ticket on public holiday and have sufficient sleep before the movie.

  2. Second, wait and watch part three as you can simply give it a miss or read the storybook instead.
  3. Third, wait and rent the DVD as the plot ended with," Will you marry me?"
    without an answer...

Next Week >>>Music Review
Jade Liu -Forward (EP)

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