Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do We Understand Ourselves?!

4.38am, Sunday, 29/11/2009, Windy

Do take note before reading this post, do not be very sensitive if you are the person whom might fit into the picture as you might not be the person or group I'm indirectly referring.

As we grew older, we began not understanding ourselves as much as we used to be. Sometimes, the directions, the path we are heading are directed or often tag along with others whom we trusted.

Thus, as this goes on for years, we had no choice but continue to follow the same footsteps with our friends, loved ones on certain activities or instructions which they feel or said simply "meant for our own good" but often are they doing this for own good?

Well, gauge yourself as you are old to make the choice in life.

I was quite pissed with the fact as we are caught in situation with no chance to voice out our opinions. Thus others will assume we are often very used to have them to make the choice for us. But sometimes in another perspective, it is often "them" who take the initiative? Do we take the move instead?

I don't know?!

However, as a person who disliked to be directed especially on the choice on entertainment. Within the week, I did make a wise and a choice which wasted our time which we can spent on better stuff that we can do instead. But that does not mean, we made a wrong choice as there are always a better opinions ahead just as we had discussed to watch the movies screening in December.

Not only on this matter, even taking a picture, they have to live with the "Yes" and "No" of whether they can take a picture with their friends?!

What a joke! Yet, I hope this situation will improve.

To find out what happen, read the personal opinions on movie review, and you will know the answer.

A gift from Kai Boon from Secret Receipe!
Steamboat @ Bugis Xian De Lai
Place: Bugis Xian De Lai steamboat Restaurant
Time: 8.45pm- 11.25pm
Date: 28 November 2009
Person Involved: Kai Boon, Albert, Jeff (Me) N Miss Unclassified (As she can't reveal her identify due to some reasons)

My favourite: Fresh Prawn!

Kai Boon say "Fish"
Who is the person sitting near to Kai Boon, well, she is Miss Unclassified!
She can't reveal her identity due to some reasons, yet to us, she will always be our best friends whenever she needs us.

Albert N Jeff (Me)
I just can't stop laughing at the jokes said by Albert on facial stuff...!

@ Bugis Ah Chew Desserts
All Time Favourites!

Rock Sugar white fungus
Barley with white fungus

Mango Sago with Pomelo

Watermelon Sago
Movie Review
My Girlfriend is a Agent

Soo-ji and Jae -Joon were once a couple until Jae-Joon could not take her lies anymore. Years later, they meet each other again and the situation is changed. A Russian organised crime syndicate sets out to steal an advanced chemical weapon from Korea and two secret agents from separate departments are assigned to stop them. Soo-Ji is a veteran secret agent who has mastered all forms of martial arts, and Jae-Joon is a rookie cop and always goofs up on the job. While the two work out their relationship, they go behind each other's back to fulfil their mission to save the world.
Cast: Kim Ha-neul, Kang Ji-hwan
Genre: Comedy and Action
Running Time: 114 Minutes
Language: Korea with English and Chinese Subtitle
Rating 3. 5 out of 5
Personal remarks: Though this movie is only 114minutes, but it is a movie worth the time, money on a movie which comprises of action, romance and comedy. It is worth to catch the movie even in weekend @ $10 per ticket.

Movie Review
The Twilight Saga- New Moon The Movie

Bella Swan is devastated by the abrupt departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen but her spirit is rekindled by her growing friendship with the irresistible Jacob Black. However, suddenly she finds herself drawn into the world of the werewolves, ancestral enemies of the vampires and finds her loyalties tested.
Cast: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
Running Time: 130 minutes
Language: English
Overall Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Personal Remarks:
I did not watch the first part of the movie, but I give a pass grade as it will be unfair as I heard the first series was really impressive.
The New Moon series is a letdown. The first 50 minutes of the movie is just an overall setting of the plot which is boring, it is till the second half of the 130 minutes, the action and romance as well as the fantasy did prevent me from leaving my seat, or having a 10 minutes washroom break or even going to the snack bar to get more titbits.

Seriously, I would rather read the book then to watch this movie on a public holiday which cost $10 per ticket.
If you seriously want to watch this movie, there are 3 alternatives:
  1. First, watch this when it is a weekday which cost less than the price you will probably purchase a ticket on public holiday and have sufficient sleep before the movie.

  2. Second, wait and watch part three as you can simply give it a miss or read the storybook instead.
  3. Third, wait and rent the DVD as the plot ended with," Will you marry me?"
    without an answer...

Next Week >>>Music Review
Jade Liu -Forward (EP)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Snapshot 22 November 2009 - G5 Outing @ West Coast Park (Last Episode Part 5)

6.50pm, Wednesday, 25/11/2009, Windy
I had written this post days back, but I feel that there are stuff I can add, thus I delayed publishing it.
This is the first outing after my exam. Not in any restaurant but Mc Donald's, it was a busy day, before meeting G6, I had met with my committee members to finalise and discuss on our next year events that our committee will be organising.
Objective: A gathering organised by Patrick to collect all the outstanding debt. (Patrick O. S : Muahaha!! Owe $ pay $, if not chicken head on your door!)
Place: West Coast Park (Mc Donald's)
Time: 8 pm ~ 3am
Person involved: G6 (Jeff, Patrick, Adelene, Azlin, Selene, Augustine)
The buddy since Primary school (15 Years of friendship)
Patrick N Me!

G6 (Me, Adelene, Azlin, Selene N Augustine)
O.S Patrick taking pic for us!

The Couple (Selene N Augustine)

The Couple (Azlin N Patrick)

The friends ( Jeff N Adelene)


Music I 'm currently Listening

Music Review
Cyndi Wang 2009 Beautiful Day 6CDs ( New Songs + Best Selection)
Youtube MV -
2003 Single from "Beginning" album
Title: On My Way
Artiste: Cyndi Wang

Cyndi Wang will be releasing her first album with Gold Typhoon, . This is the latest compilation from her former record company, Avex Tracks. This is no doubt the most comprehensive compilation of Cyndi career between 2003-2009.

Beginning with Cyndi first album, Begin, that marked her singing career in 2003, this popular eye candy has released 8 albums.

A total of 6 CDs, which comes in 2 editions including DAY (Containing mainly ballads) and Night (Containing Cyndi Dance Tracks), which sources from all her previous albums releases from Avex. This album was also include 5 new tracks including Beautiful Days, Wait, When Love Comes , Girls most afraid etc.

Overall Rating
4 out of 5
Remarks : The 6 CDs and the pictorial book, it is worth to spend your money on this compilation.

Personally, her first album "Begin" in 2003 with Avex is still the best album which include songs like On my Way, When you (Dang Ni), Cinderella Tears (Hui Gu Niang De Yan Lei), Not Soul Mate etc. Between 2003 to 2009, she has transformed from the girl next door and the Jolin 's shadow to Cyndi Wang which we truly deserve.
TV Review
To give a comprehensive weekly update on TV.

This is a new forum which I had added to give listeners and TV viewers another choice to select the best or recommended TV dramas, or variety shows.
Premiering next Monday 30 November @ 9pm on Channel 8.
Together, starring Jeanette Aw, Dai Yang Tian, Elvin Ng, Zhou Yin, Zhen Ge Ping, Eileen Tan etc.
Youtube trailer:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Snapshot 7th November 2009 - Singapore Hits Awards (Part 4)

2.50am, Saturday, 21/11/2009, Windy

Finally, exam are finally over.

Yet, I certainly hope I can have more time to do the papers and to put in more effort in all 4 papers.

But what is done cannot be rewind, just like life events, once you missed an opportunity, you might not have chance. I am looking forward to all upcoming events in November and December to have a break.

Some pictures that I took during the Singapore Hits Awards 2009,

Asia Media Award (Female Category) - Tanya Chua

Best Male Vocalist - Jam Hsiao

Best Newcomer 2009 - Lala Xiu Jia Ying

Best Newcomer 2009 - Huang Jing Lun

Best Rock Band Award - May Day

Asia Media Award (Band Category) - S.H.E

Ella from (S.H.E)

Best Newcomer 2009 - Zhang Yun Jing

Jing Zhang performance was awesome...!

Singapore Hits Awards- Closing
The music I'm currently Listening...

Music Review
ELVA Hsiao Diamond Candy Album + WoW Remix Hits (4th Version)
Following the success of 3 Faces album last year, Taiwan Pop Diva, ELVA Hsiao has released her 10th album, Diamond Candy in October 2009.
The first 3 version of Diamond Candy was well-received in Asia. ELVA music record co, Gold Typhoon (Former EMI) released this 4th version of Diamond Candy album is to officially announced her launch of ELVA World Tour Concert in Taipei Arena on 31 st December 2009.
Amazingly, her concert guest appearing none other than International DIVA, AH Mei (AMIT). Hopefully, ELVA Hsiao concert in Singapore will also feature AH Mei as special guest appearing.
This new version feature, Diamond Candy, a sweet R& B single composed by Wayne Hector who has supplied songs for world famous boy band, Westlife and artistes such as Britney Spears. ELVA has composed 2 tracks, Confession and Thrilling Legend, as a tribute to MJ(Michael Jackson).
This limited Commemorate Edition comes with a bonus remix CD with her new singles, WOW! featuring Show Luo, and other 7 ELVA classics remix like, The Familiar Stranger, More More More, I love you so much, Nobody etc.
Overall Rating
3.5 out of 5
Youtube MV Link
WoW! - Show Luo & ELVA Hsiao

2nd Album Intro
Yoga Lin - Sense Around Album
Titled Sense Around, "One Million Star" season 1 champion, Yoga Lin, after the well-received debut album, Mystery, in 2008, he recently released his second album with HIM records.
The album is theme as building the human communication, and title of each track has related to something with mind or senses. The amusing first single, Eat What You See" is written by Hongkong Lyricist Wyman Wang, features a cannibalism theme with underlying moral of never judge a person by their perceived looks.
Other songs recommended are:
  1. Ear
  2. Heart Sore
  3. Hysteria
  4. Empathy

Overall Rating

3.9 out of 5.

Youtube MV Link

Fairly Tale (shuo huang - Yoga Lin

Friday, November 13, 2009

Snapshot 7th November 2009 - Singapore Hits Awards (Part 3)

1.06am, Saturday, 14th November 2009, Cloudy

It was indeed a "Black Friday."
Insufficient rest after exam! and some disputes which affected the entire day.

I was caught by an unexpected question in Acc201 paper which I had lost 25 marks in total. Well, I just gotten move on to my next paper on coming Monday and Thursday.
Well, I am mentally prepared for all consequences.

Well, this is a weekly update of last week, Singapore Hits Awards, I had took some pictures @ Indoor Stadium, more to upload after exam!

LaLa Xiu Jia Ying - Best Newcomer 2009

Huang Jing Lun - Best Newcomer 2009

Tanya Chua - Best Local talent award!

May Day - Best Pop Band 2009

Liang Wen Ying, Huang Jing Lun, Lala Xiu Jia Ying and Zhang Yun Jing ( 4 Best Newcomer 2009)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Snapshots 30th Oct & 1st Nov 2009 (Part 2)

2.16am, Sunday, 08th November 2009, Windy

In just a few days, I will be occupied and facing the music and moment of truth. In total, I had 4 papers to complete this semester. I can't wait for the last paper which is 19th November 2009. But before, I start thinking so much wild thoughts of the things I wanna do, I guess, I should really have complete attention on revising on the 4 modules for this semester.

As part of my weekly updates, this is the Snapshot taken on 30th Oct & 1 Nov 2009, the pictures and fond memories which is added to 2009.

@ Bugis Steamboat + KTV @ Marina Square 30 October 2009 (Friday)

On Friday right after work, 3 of my colleagues and I had planned to have dinner together @ Bugis after a week of hard work and a small motivation for me to do well for my exam thus apart from bring me to a best place for a mini steamboat gathering after work, I decided to get some chocolate for my colleagues who had been guiding me and giving lots of support in my work.

Some pictures taken @ Bugis Steamboat

Herbal soup with Crab
2 Different soup bases with Herbal soup and Tom Yam

Some of my colleagues @ work who had been my greatest pillar in my work life...
Me and Abbe

Ann and Jeff

Yew Wei and Jeff

Diamond Candies and Chocolate for my colleagues

This special Chocolate candies from Candy Empire are specially brought from the colleagues who had been there to support, motivate and solve all doubts I had so far @ work.

@ Bugis - Colin Belated Birthday Celebration 1 November 2009 (Saturday)
The day after the steamboat buffet with my colleauges @ work. It is time for some gathering with my poly friends @ Bugis (again? Cos Singapore is so small). We promised to celebrate his birthday for the birthday boy but we were 3 days late, thus instead of having a cake and the traditional style of celebrating, we decided to have his birthday dinner @ a hongkong cafe located @ Bugis with a special gift for the birthday boy, Colin.

Some pictures taken @ Bugis
XXXL size Milk Tea!

Keong with the XXXL Milk tea?
(Is he drinking it alone?)

Or it's me, Jeff!
(Drinking the XXXL Milk tea by myself?)

Or just Colin?
(Drinking the XXXL by his own?)
Not forgetting...

Kah Leng & Jun Yuan!

But before that, Kah Leng decided to take the challenge of the "BEST photo taken while sleeping?!

Some pictures taken that will let you feel hungry!

Black Pepper Chicken chop set on the pan!

Fried rice with fries

Pork Chop with mushroom sauce on the pan!

Noodles with Egg

XXXL Milk Tea....

Music Review
Jolin Tsai - Love & Live Concert DVD 2009 Special Edition
She is known as the Dancing Diva. She is none other than Jolin Tsai, her latest Jolin Love & Live 2009 from Warner Music, featuring her latest album, Butterfly with a compilation of her live concert DVD from Taiwan and her exclusive DVD of her 5 songs which she had sung her favourite songs in her list, including Jolin's best buddy, Stefanie Sun singles, Afraid, and songs by Eason Chen, Gigi Leong and Fish Leong.
In the 3 rd DVD, it had featuring her singles in 1999, I know you are miserable, in the live concert album.

Youtube MV Link, I know you are miserable (Year 1999, Singles)
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