Monday, June 29, 2009

Pre-Birthday Celebration

3.42am, Tuesday, 30/06/2009, Hot

1 more day, 24 hours...
I will mark another year older.
How old will I be?
It will be a secret.

It is a mixed feeling, with excitement and nervous as at the point of time, after ORD last year in 2008, looking back at some of the things and events that had happened, I do feel amazed with all the things that happened.

From the number of jobs, number of interviews that I had gone to, and the sight of people, interviewers looking and doubted my abilities and capabilities.

The lost in direction after National Service, which I had to blame myself for not using the time wisely in camp to properly manage and mind-map the right direction I am heading, which I will conclude 2008, a year of identifying and knowing myself through the events that I had experienced.

2008, was a year of unsure, uncertainty and a year of finding the right direction to be cautious and moving ahead more carefully in making sure, time is not wasted, and such events in life will never come across again...

Thankfully, during this period in 2008, through the new set of people I had met, with eliminating some army mates and "so-called "friends who had been or used to be with me, whom had distanced due to their own commitments either in work or study. Yet, those I do keep in contact which I feel it is still worth keeping this friendship and relations. Beside, some friends are stronger in bonding who always there for me and in return, dropping a note of thanks by sms, call or online whenever possible.

Dinner at Astons@ Cathay Orchard

Dinner Set

My Best Friends (David and Me)

My Best Friends (kel and David)

Our Group Photo

My Birthday Cake

12 presents ( 12 represents 1 gift per month) + 1 cake (Awfully Chocolate) + 1 Birthday card

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