Saturday, October 2, 2010

Everlasting ?!

While reaching home yesterday night, my Mum opened the door for me, as I forgot to bring the house keys, she did not ask me for coming home late, yet she mentioned," Mr Lee Kuan Yew 's wife had passed away."

I was stunned.

When I started my work at a medical context, I understand daily, I will be seeing people who are born and died everyday, thus it is very common to me. But I guess, that is a fact of life which I had been trying to accept though times, I do hope that if evolution can change, how will it be great to have your loved ones to be with you, always. Yet a church brother who was doing a sharing at a church meeting which I used to go, said," In life, nothing is forever and everlasting, every situation, every person, every context you are in, whether is sorrow, pain, joy and sadness will have a cycle and will not last forever."

Well, when he spell out this words on such topic during this church meeting, I was against it in the first place. Yet as reaching adulthood, I began to realise his words is certainly true.

Thus, to those who had certain things in their hands, grab it well before it is lost.

For the passed week, these are 2 activities which I spent some quality time with my friends, it is some joyful occasions.

@ David's Birthday - Holland Village

A compilation of Me (Jeff), David and Kelly's pictures

Our group pictures
From left: Jeff (Me), Kelly (middle), David (Right)
My secondary friends for 11 years.

Salmon with onion rings and potatoes

Desserts for the day: @ Cold Rock

25/09/2010 (Sat) Mary & Liyi Gathering @ KBox Orchard Cineleisure

Our group picture
Where am I?
Ans: Find it yourself.

A picture taken with best Yes933 DJ in town
Mary and Jeff (Me)
(I had been listening to Mary, Liyi, Dasmond Koh, Danny Yeo, Fong Wai See and Jiang Jiang 's programmes during 1990s.

While Mary, Liyi, Danny and Dasmond was back then in 1997, when I was in primary school days trying to brush up my mandarin and always inspire by them to be a radio DJ one day, but I guess, as times had passed, this dream will just be a dream)

Best DJ in town from Yes933.
Jeff (Me) & Liyi

Hosts of Yi Ren Yi Ban
(2009 - Best Yes933 Noon Program during 2-5pm weekdays slot)

Mary & Liyi & Me (Jeff)
The best DJ who inspire and encouraged me during my army days and motivating me always to study hard.

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