Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Simple Thought

4.56am, Sunday, 15 August 2010

If you are wondering why I had not been updating my blog recently, well, the reason is rather simple, I'm occupied with work and studies. Sometimes, I had been asking myself should I just focus on my studies and not work instead, as my sisters felt that I will be exhausted and it will be difficult for me to concentrate within the time frame to get the degree that I had targeted earlier on in 2008.

Recently, I had been working with a couple of events with my department, and happened to have a chat with my manager after some time, he was amazed that I am currently doing my degree part time at a institution. I was deeply inspired by his words and how he managed to get his masters but his studies did not eventually lead him to work in a organisation related to his field of studies. Thus, management in the medical line is a fresh start for him as he used to be in another stat. board.

Yesterday during beer-ing with Keong, Colin and John, I told Keong that I was disappointed with the fact that though my studies in poly is termed as Industrial and System Engineering. Yet, eventually, the diploma I received after 3 years did not lead me to be an engineer that I wanted to be but focusing on supply chain and quality management instead?

Well, at the end of the day, I realised that from many cases, though you might be studying a science-based degree, but you might not be doing or start a career with what you had studied in the institution.

Anyway, I just hope that I have sufficient rest to at least find time to read my textbook and do some exercises.

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