Friday, August 27, 2010

Are Dreams really "dreams"?

Are Dreams really "dreams"?
"Reality check" - this two words was encountered during a year when I was in a recruitment firm, whereby the interviewer was asking me, "What are your plans for the next 5 years?"

That year, 2008, I just ORD-ed after serving two years of service to the Nation, and was uncertain of what is my next path to take? Education? or work?

Few days before ORD, I took a leave to go for an interview with a firm located at CBD area, the interviewer was keen to give me 1 year to prove my capabilities and providing very attractive package.

When telling my dreams to him, he just replied with a second thought, "It is important to do a reality check every 5 years if you feel that something is not very right in the path you take, or for those who are cautious, every year, to prevent falling into a pit." This words are still running in my mind whenever I reflect at night of things I do, words I said and actions taken daily.

Regrets, who does not have?
Failure, who has not encounter it?
Fear, it lives with us, just a matter of time, location, context to evaporate such emotions!

The "Kong Ming Lantern" represents a wish, when it is lighted up, close your eyes and have the first dream and wishes in your mind, and it will come true, Quoted from the legend of Thai friends who I met during my trip.

Secondly, It also symbolises calmness, peace in the mind and hearts of the people who are troubled.

Last year comedown, with G6, the fireworks we brought at the beach. Whenever, I feel it is time for a holiday, I will remember the best time that my group of G6 had during the trip, just like the two pictures posted above.

Jolin Tsai - Myself Album

Even though she got seriously hurt practicing some impossible ballet routines for her last album Butterfly, Jolin Tsai seeks to one-up herself this summer with the stylish and challenging "voguing" dance! Enlisting the services of world-renowned choreographers Benny Ninja (posing instructor on America's Next Top Model) and Ahn Hyung Suk (Dong Bang Shin Ki's dance teacher), the Mando-pop diva has more amazing dance moves in store for her 2010 album Myself.

This time, Jolin joined in the album's production, and the first plug "Honey Trap", "With Immediate Effect", and "Small Wound" are among the hot new singles.

01. 美人計 Honey trap
02. Missed call (interlude)
03. 玩愛之徒 Love player
04. Secret talk (interlude)
05. 派大星 Party star
06. Let's start the dance (interlude)
07. 黑髮尤物 Black-haired beautiful girl
08. 無言以對 Nothing left to say
09. L'amour est parti (interlude)
10. 小傷口 Real hurt
11. 娘子漢 Macho babe
12. 七上八下 Butterflies in my stomach
13. 解散愛 Let's break up
14. I Love you too (interlude)
15. 即時生效 Take immediate action


蔡依林 美人計- 華納official HQ官方版MV

蔡依林 玩愛之徒- 華納official HQ官方版MV

Lee Hom - The 18 Martial Arts Album

Like a master of the 18 techniques of kung fu, Mando-pop superstar Leehom Wang is going to wow the world with his matchless versatility this summer. He takes on starring, scoring, and his first movie directorial duties for Love in Disguise, a romantic comedy musical set to open in August. And, a little before that, Leehom will unleash upon us his highly anticipated new original album, in which he shows us the key to happiness he has found.

Composed by Leehom and penned by Vivian Hsu, the first single from the album is a love song titled "Firewood, Rice, Oil, Salt, Sauce, Vinegar, Tea", i.e. the basic necessities of daily life, revealing the singer's yearning for a simpler life.

01. Dragon Dance
02. 杜 U ♥ Me
03. 十八般武藝
04. 你不知道的事(電影『戀愛通告』主題曲)
05. 伯牙絕弦 (電影『戀愛通告』概念主題曲)
06. 柴米油鹽醬醋茶
07. 美
08. 需要人陪
09. 天涯海角
10. 你不知道的事(宋曉青版本)
11. 自己人


Lee Hom - Chai Mi You Yan Jiang Cu Cha (王力宏 - 柴米油鹽醬醋茶)

王力宏- 你不知道的事 《戀愛通告》主題曲完整版MV ENG SUBS

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Simple Thought

4.56am, Sunday, 15 August 2010

If you are wondering why I had not been updating my blog recently, well, the reason is rather simple, I'm occupied with work and studies. Sometimes, I had been asking myself should I just focus on my studies and not work instead, as my sisters felt that I will be exhausted and it will be difficult for me to concentrate within the time frame to get the degree that I had targeted earlier on in 2008.

Recently, I had been working with a couple of events with my department, and happened to have a chat with my manager after some time, he was amazed that I am currently doing my degree part time at a institution. I was deeply inspired by his words and how he managed to get his masters but his studies did not eventually lead him to work in a organisation related to his field of studies. Thus, management in the medical line is a fresh start for him as he used to be in another stat. board.

Yesterday during beer-ing with Keong, Colin and John, I told Keong that I was disappointed with the fact that though my studies in poly is termed as Industrial and System Engineering. Yet, eventually, the diploma I received after 3 years did not lead me to be an engineer that I wanted to be but focusing on supply chain and quality management instead?

Well, at the end of the day, I realised that from many cases, though you might be studying a science-based degree, but you might not be doing or start a career with what you had studied in the institution.

Anyway, I just hope that I have sufficient rest to at least find time to read my textbook and do some exercises.
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