Monday, February 15, 2010

29 Jan - 1 Feb 2010 Before Happy Chinese New Year - Part 2

3.27am, Tuesday, 16 Feb 2010, Windy

Mission: Re-paint project for Queenstown Block 48 Residents
Time: 10-5pm
Date: 01 Feb 2010 (Sunday)
People Involved: Queentown YEC, Avelife Foundation Members, PAP Youth Group + QCC & PAP Members

Our Group Photo - Queenstown YEC Members

Our group clean up the mess on our hands and feet to get rid of the paint

Our new friends - Eugene & Yi Cheng & Me standing behind

Our Group Picture with the secondary school girls

Me re-paint alone?

All Men's Club

At the end of the event, I was really delighted to have the chance to know my YEC
mates better with communication and of course bits and pieces of names and some hobbies we might share, I guess, it was a good start for the group.
Hope there will be more such opportunities for us to know each other well...!
Though I was really exhausted with the busy schedule.

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