Friday, October 22, 2010

The Defining Moment

Raining, Saturday, 23/10/2010.

It had been some time since I update my blog post.

Well, sometimes, I do feel that we undergo changes in different stages of our life had mould us to become a better person in future. Yet, it is yet contradicting to realise when we enter into early, mid to late adult, we had to do certain things against our thoughts, be harmonise to the social context and the people around us.

For our own good or it is no choice thus we make changes?
Singaporean lacks creativity?
Ans: I doubt. We do have talents.

But yet, it is because of mainstream language that lead to unable to unfold the wonders of language to express our thoughts, values, belief in different themes and situations, contexts and settings.

Second, the person around us that lead us to follow their way of doing certain things... which at the end, when one after another propsed ideal are set aside as its beyond the safety net and just afraid some high-up authority will lead to making responsible for your action.

As mention by one of my close friends, this is something which happen to her in a proposed idea to the company yet it is pulled out because of 2 reasons.

1st : It is too risky

2nd : It does not match the objectives of the design company (* this friend of mine is from a creative, designing firm)

Artiste: ELVA Hsiao
Album Title: Miss Elva
Music Publisher: Gold Typhoon
Date of Publish: 24 Sept 2010

From the girl-near-door Elva Hsiao marched into her 11th year in Mando-pop, Elva Hsiao presents her 11th album Miss Elva in 2010! The record company reportedly splashed lots of money on the album's visual aspect to create 11 new looks for the Taiwan diva, including the fan-favorite androgynous style. T

he album also has numerous surprises music-wise, with Elva being particularly creative as she has written five songs and produced three. Continuing the style of the hit song "Sparklingly Lovely" from the previous album Diamond Candy, the titular first plug "Miss Elva" marks the first time Elva collaborated with Golden Melody Award-winning composer Showan and lyricist David Ke.
The electronic dance anthem also impresses with some "cooler than 3D" visual effects in its costly music video.

Playlist of Miss Elva Album
01. 瀟灑小姐
02. 狂想曲
03. 完整我 (抱緊你序曲)INTRO RAP版
04. 抱緊你
05. 讓愛飛起來
06. 瘦瘦瘦瘦
07. 玩笑
08. 大說謊家
09. 錯的人
10. 雙面女神

Youtube MV Link:
HD 蕭亞軒 - 瀟灑小姐MV - 完整版大首播- Elva Hsiao - Miss ELVA

Artiste: Kenji Wu
Album Title: Love Me or Hate me Album
Music Publisher: Seed Music
Date of Publish: 26 Oct 2010

After signing with Seed Music, Taiwan singer-songwriter Kenji Wu announced the release of his first new album in two and a half years, and he intended to bid farewell to his

"boy next door - 吳 克群 " image and exhibit his "beastly charisma - 吳克羣 ".

What he won't throw away any day of the week is his extraordinary songwriting talents, as on his new album Love Me, Hate Me, he again takes on all composing and writing duties. The first single off the 14-track album is a heart-wrenching R&B number titled "It Doesn't Matter", which represents a new musical direction for Kenji.
Playlist of Kenji Wu 's - Love Me, Hate Me Album

01. 愛我恨我序章-亂世
02. 愛我恨我
03. 砰砰砰
04. 沒關係
05. 我能給的
06. WooHoo
07. 住在心裡面
08. 愛我恨我中章-遇襲
09. Run
10. Take a Break
11. 絕對不放
12. 破心臟
13. 愛我恨我末章Utopia
14. 愛之深責之切


吴克群/吴克羣《沒关系》未剪禁播版 Kenji Wu - It's Alright Unedited Version HD

Friday, October 8, 2010

Coco Lee East West Concert @ Singapore Indoor Stadium

02 Oct 2010, Coco Lee East West Singapore Concert took place @ Singapore Indoor Stadium last saturday. Filled with more than 8000 fans, Coco had onced again won the fans with her warm, sexy, and stylish 13 set of different outfits; her classics love songs and dance hits. Her concert @ Singapore marks her 16 years of singing career in the Mando-pop market. During her concert last saturday, she had announced her marriage plans in 2011.

Below are some of the songs that was sung:

Dance Hits include: Party Time, So crazy, 美夢 (Barbie Girls),"Turn" (流轉) , Hello C, 真情人, Di Da Di, Feelin' Good 好心情, The Colors Of The World 顏色, 刀馬旦 and many more

Love songs & other wonderful classics : 月光愛人(Moonlight Lovers), BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag), 答案(Answer) etc

English Hits : Do you want my love?, No Doubt, Reflection, Y.M.C.A, Before I fall in Love and many more...

Below are some of the pictures taken:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Everlasting ?!

While reaching home yesterday night, my Mum opened the door for me, as I forgot to bring the house keys, she did not ask me for coming home late, yet she mentioned," Mr Lee Kuan Yew 's wife had passed away."

I was stunned.

When I started my work at a medical context, I understand daily, I will be seeing people who are born and died everyday, thus it is very common to me. But I guess, that is a fact of life which I had been trying to accept though times, I do hope that if evolution can change, how will it be great to have your loved ones to be with you, always. Yet a church brother who was doing a sharing at a church meeting which I used to go, said," In life, nothing is forever and everlasting, every situation, every person, every context you are in, whether is sorrow, pain, joy and sadness will have a cycle and will not last forever."

Well, when he spell out this words on such topic during this church meeting, I was against it in the first place. Yet as reaching adulthood, I began to realise his words is certainly true.

Thus, to those who had certain things in their hands, grab it well before it is lost.

For the passed week, these are 2 activities which I spent some quality time with my friends, it is some joyful occasions.

@ David's Birthday - Holland Village

A compilation of Me (Jeff), David and Kelly's pictures

Our group pictures
From left: Jeff (Me), Kelly (middle), David (Right)
My secondary friends for 11 years.

Salmon with onion rings and potatoes

Desserts for the day: @ Cold Rock

25/09/2010 (Sat) Mary & Liyi Gathering @ KBox Orchard Cineleisure

Our group picture
Where am I?
Ans: Find it yourself.

A picture taken with best Yes933 DJ in town
Mary and Jeff (Me)
(I had been listening to Mary, Liyi, Dasmond Koh, Danny Yeo, Fong Wai See and Jiang Jiang 's programmes during 1990s.

While Mary, Liyi, Danny and Dasmond was back then in 1997, when I was in primary school days trying to brush up my mandarin and always inspire by them to be a radio DJ one day, but I guess, as times had passed, this dream will just be a dream)

Best DJ in town from Yes933.
Jeff (Me) & Liyi

Hosts of Yi Ren Yi Ban
(2009 - Best Yes933 Noon Program during 2-5pm weekdays slot)

Mary & Liyi & Me (Jeff)
The best DJ who inspire and encouraged me during my army days and motivating me always to study hard.
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