Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Life goes on!

8.32pm, Tuesday, 28/07/2009, Windy

I am at SIM University writing this post. I can help but to use the computer to type down some updates within the week.

School has commenced last week with a new semester.
Though the week, I do have to accept the fact that my cousin had passed away, but I had been keeping myself occupied with school work and other stuff to force myself not dwell in moments of sadness and also driving positive liquid to the body.

My 2nd Sister Birthday (July 23)

The last Thursday was my Sister birthday.

Well her age, I shall not declare it as women age are always sensitive.

She is one year older, definitely, well her husband got for her this lovely ice cream cake from Hagan Daz Ice Cream which I really like and enjoy eat it even though everyone got an equal share of the cake.

I really cherish the great family moments that I share with my family members as even how close you and your friends can be, family members are the ones that will be there for you, always.


As some of my friends knew each year I will be going back to Malaysia to visit my relatives, thus whenever I took a few days from school or work to do my visiting, I will definitely bring back some goodies and local delights from Malaysia. Though the previous was a sad trip, but our stomach needs to be filled, thus on the last day of my trip, my sister and I went to this shop called "San Shu Gong".

It has the freshness goodies and local snacks and tibits which you find. One of my favourites local snacks which bring eye brows raised up is this picture below. It is a yam biscuit which had its filling (Yam) inside which enfold into the biscuit. The biscuit is really crispy on the outside.

If you have chance to grab something from the shop or any local snack shops, do try it!

Roma Pizza
My niece brought this pizza was brought from West Mall, a food exhibition, on Saturday, though strictly I am controlling my diet due to health reasons, but I had no choice to try this pizza which I cannot restrict myself from not looking and taking a bite of it.

I am someone who look mushrooms and becon which the pizza is filled with tops which melt the cheese with the mushrooms and becon added as toppings, the chicken was crispy on the outside though it is sliced but I simply able to taste the freshness of the meat which is in between the cheese and other toppings such as pineapples.

It is a great snack and having just 1/8 of the pizza for dinner on Saturday is perfectly great.

Wonder Girls -Nobody

Wonder Girls is one of the top female Kpop group which had been recognised our their dances and their songs, especially in this year, where Kpop classics, dramas, and songs are overwhelming in our ears, the local radio station Yes933 has been playing this popluar hits numerous times on Thursday special slots which played Engligh, Japanese and korea Songs.
I guess, the K Pop music video of popular bands like Super Junior, Wonder Girls had won lots of cheers for their songs and that why, it also bring lots of attention of this eye candies to everyone's spotlight.

Click on the link below to check it yourself, I believe you will like it.

In Singapore, if you ask me, what is the lastest hit song in town, especially in K-Pop, I will tell you, Super Junior -Sorry Sorry is one of the "Hit" songs which has bring lots of popularity the band and coffee talks about this boy band.

The Sorry Sorry Dance has become of the hit dance steps that many people are imitating and coming up with different versions to add laughter to the dance steps.

Don't believe it?

Tap on the link below can see for yourself!

Monday, July 20, 2009


2.12am, Tuesday, 21/07/2009, Hot

For bloggers and viewers, whom might be expecting a interesting post dated 21 July 2009, I am going to disappoint all supporters as I am not in a stage to bring such colours to my blog posting for this week.

However, if you feel disappointed not having music review, movie review or interesting food journal, well, that is life, there are times to celebrate, cheers about and also there are incidents that we will weep and tears shed for the loved ones we lost.

I do hope people especially my friends will understand, certainly not this week.

The following post is dedicated to my deceased cousin...

(To protect my cousin, his name will not be mention)
(Friends who know me, I am fine, don't sms or call me for further details, thanks :) )

In life, many things are beyond our control, especially incident that caused by external factors.

That's why, we should cherish and treasure the things that is given to us, by our God, parents, family and people around us.

The past week was a saddening and miserable days in 2009.

As for myself, even when writing down this post entry, I do feel that some things had never happen, yet in reality, we can't change the fact.

Last Tuesday (14 July 2009)

I lost a beloved cousin. He is a talented, quiet person to people who knew him, as he come from a family which uphold right values and attitudes in life and strict, discipline environment.
(which is important against bad influence in life)

His wish is to become a Chef, in creating delicious Japanese sushi, Japanese cuisine for his customers, family and loved ones. He did it, as he is working @ Sogo, KL.

Yet he was taken away by the Lord, in a fire @ KL last Tuesday, the time was 9.30am when the incident took place.

We were stunned to receive the news on last Tuesday morning from my Aunt as such incident can never happened to him, yet he was taken away from us, forever.

The time we met @ 2009
The last time I seen him was 3 to 4 months back while attending another Cousin 's wedding. He was seated with my Uncle and Aunt as well as his younger brother, thus, with much encouragement from my heart, I was sure that I need to break the ice by chatting with him at a corner of the wedding hall with him and his brother.

And we did, as we had not met each other for years thus, just as I thought it will be difficult to start a conversation, I was wrong. We were sharing similar feeling, as it was a formal occasion, we were feeling uneasy in a way.

We exchanged our online contact, email, facebook etc in less than 20 minutes chat and that kept us closer as Cousin even across the borders.

Though he did not manage to survive in the fire. Yet to us, he is someone who should not be taken away so early as he is younger than me and he has a bright future awaiting for him and wishes yet to fulfil.

He is such a nice guy and well-mannered person among his peers yet I do question why should such a great person be taken away?

My Wishes:

I do hope my Mum, family, and everyone especially Uncle and Aunt as well as his younger brother will be stronger to face all odds in life and move on in life as I believe my Cousin will not want to see us in such a state of sorrow forever.

Today is the 7th day of the incident, and to Chinese tradition, many people believe the death will be back to visit their loved ones.

I don't know whether such belief is true or not, but I certainly believe in some aspects.

For my cousin, as both of us do stay up to quite late at night, thus, I was only able to write this posting which contain words kept within written in my blog.

Hope u will see it, but if you don't, I do hope, u will understand how we all feel for your departure.

However, time is the only source to cure all illness, sorrows, and withdraw all pains from the loved ones. I hope though I can't say, we will recover immediately, but certainly, we had and we will move on in life.

My cousin words and his creations and the dedicated hands which won lots of satisfy customers and the passion in his profession, will live in our hearts, his works, his smiles, his thoughtfulness, his pictures and the birthday wishes he wrote to me, I will remember them.

On behalf of my Uncle and Aunt, thank you all friends of my cousin for your help, really appreciate, may all be well!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


4.36am, Tuesday, 14/07/2009, Hot

Thank goodness.

At this moment when I was updating my blog for this week, I am on the path to recovery from all the "virus" attack. Eventually, it started with high fever, and after taking 2 panadol pills, I recovered. Yet, another fever alarmed me with fear as it was feeling if it is H1N1 attack.

But I was just thinking too much.

I decided to head down to the clinic on wednesday, as I was not feeling well.

To ensure that the clinic I will be going be prepared that they will be handling a patient (me) which having a high fever, I decided to call them telling the patient attendant to make the necessary arrangement and mask (of course).

As the clinic I went, was not a H1N1 ready clinic, thus after registrating my name to see the doctor, I seek the advise from the nurse to stay outside the clinic for further instructions.

3 days Later

I did update my doctor with my conditions and he assured me that it was just flu virus and lack of water that cause the high fever. I was on strict diet avoiding all heaty, fried, sour and spicy food to ensure the condition is controlled.

Indeed, I was a moment of relief.

However, I do hope that it is we should all be socially responsible for ourselves and others, if you are not feeling well:

>Stay at home.
>Ensure that you are away from the large crowd.
>Be responsible with your personal hygiene.

After Recovery
Brother-In-Law Birthday
I was indeed having sufficient rest at home with strict diet. At least, I was in health mode to celebrate my Brother-in-law's birthday with my family on the actual day of his birthday.

Though we did take lots of photos, but to protect my family privacy thus, I just uploaded this picture with the cake that my sister had specially brought from Secret Receipt.

11/07/2009 Raymond Lam @ Jurong Point (Alicafe Event Autograph)
Raymond Lam is one of my favourite TVB artiste, the reason for some supportive of him is because of his acting and also his singing, especially one of my favourite duet is by Raymond and Vincy (Ming Tian Yi Hou).
Raymond Lam is the spokeman for Premium Gold Alicafe. He was invited to Singapore for the official launch of the Alicafe Event @ Jurong Point on Saturday.
It was packed with loads of fans and Raymond Lam's supporters mostly, ladies from all ages.
Alicafe ambassador, Raymond Lam
@ Bugis (Ji De Chi Desserts Store) & Hong Kong Cafe
It was a busy Saturday, apart from going to Jurong Point for the Meet and Greet Session of Alicafe Event @ Jurong Point Starring International Artiste, Raymond Lam.
Adelene, Patrick, Azlin and I decided to head down for some desserts to relax ourselves to discuss some plans that we will be having in late December.
My Best friend (Me with Adelene)

Adelene and Azlin
Patrick and I

Our Group Picture (Adelene, Azlin, Patrick, Me)
We ordered Bean Curd, Bean curd with black sesame, black sesame and Peanut soup
@ Bugis Hong Kong Cafe
Fried Rice with Hotdog and Egg
Toast with Ham and Cheese

Carrot Cake
Baked Rice with Ham
Movie Recommendation
Ice Age 3 -Dawn of the Dinosaurs
The sub-zero from the worldwide blockbusters "Ice Age" and the 'Ice Age: The meltdown" are black , on an incredible adventure...for the ages. Scrat is still trying to nab the ever-elusive nut (while, maybe, finding the true love); Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mammoth, Si, the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur egges; and Diego the saber-toothed tiger wonders if he's growing too "soft" hanging with his pals.

On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious undeground world, where they have some close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna run amuck - and meet a relentless, one-eyed dino-hunting weasel name Buck.

Personal View: The Ice Age series had never let the audiences, great comedy for family, friends and the animation effects is awesome.

Rating; 4 out of 5.

Music Review
Peggy Hsu (Fine) Mei Hao de Album

The Album that I would like to recommend is by Peggy Hsu, her latest album, Mei Hao De, Fine, released by Seedmusic Music. Peggy had never fail to present her music, this album is a easy-listening album with 11 tracks. Songs such as Di Di Di, Mei Hao de are tracks worth listening.

Though this album is not very "glamourous" with different marketing strategies to beautify the album, yet, this album had hocked me because of the music and Peggy's Voice.

Rating 3.5 out of 5.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Priceless Gift

4.25am, Tuesday, 07072009, Hot

Family is definitely one of the priceless gift. When I started working, that was in year 2003, one of my ex-colleagues told me, we can have many friends, yet, at the end of the day, family members is still the "backers" when we are in trouble, giving you the confidence whenever you are down, and the ones that will always be supportive in decision you do.

July 1st is an important day as I celebrated my 24 th birthday. One year older and one year wiser.

I am really thankful for the bits and pieces that some of my friends had arranged for me for my 24 th Birthday celebration.

July 1, 2009 (Actual Day Birthday Celebration)
4th B Day celebration
The Wu(5) Dang Pie - a newly form Federation- Featuring Patrick, Adelene, Augustine, Selene and Me ( Hopefully, we can expand our influence in the years to come)

The hat I am wearing is a gift from Augustine and Selene (Rock and Roll, DJ style)

Our Group Photo (Augustine, Selene, Adelene, Patrick and Me)

June 30
3rd B Day Celebration @ Home

The ice cream cake was a gift from my sister. This is the 3rd cake I had cut for this year. The lady behind (2nd picture) is my Mum, she is always busy at the kitchen preparing lots of great food for her children even getting her to take a picture, she is simply shy.

However, to protect her and my family members which I guess, they do not wish to be appeared in my blog, thus I just placed 2 pictures taken by my sisters.

June 29, 2009
Featuring David and Kelly

David is my primary school friend since primary school. Time flies, 16 years had passed.

Kelly is my secondary school since sec 1.

Thanks for the gift and the laughter and fond memories that we share.

26 June 2009
Featuring Sherline and Lx

Sherline and Lx are my best poly friends, since 2003, we knew each other from the same PDP English Class, as our English is simply too excellent to be graded...Thus with the same level of English standard, it was lots of fun and laughter during the learning process and eventually, we landed in the same course and hock to similar activities like singing etc.
(My favourite (Fish and Chips)

Gift from Esprit
Chocolate Mudpie with my fav Vanilla Ice Cream)

After 1 July >>>
Some of my friends who were unable to meet during July 1, manage to set aside some time for a gathering.
4 July, 2009 < @ Bugis TOP 1 KTV and Sakae Sushi>
Featuring Wei Keong, Jun Yuan, Kah Leng, Colin, John.
Wei Keong and I had knew each other since primary school days, in total, we knew each other for 16 years.
Jun Yuan, Kah Leng and Colin for 6 years.
John is a new friend aboard to the group.

July 5, 2009
<@ Bugis Mind Cafe N Onemo>
Featuring Eugene aka Ah Wang, Melody aka Mel Mel, Zhi Qin aka Robo, Delon and BJ
They are my group of Army friends.
I knew Zhi Qin during BMT->Changi FDC->Tengah FDS, we had been in the same camp since 2006, is this an indication?
Ah Wang and Delon are from section 2 - Changi FDS
As for BJ, I forgot the bunk he was, is it Section 5?I can't remember, but one thing, I will always remember, we all gathered @ Section 2, the most live section ever.
Even if we are all separated to different camps, we kept in touch till now, time had passed, we knew each other for 3 years.
Our Group Photo ( Featuring Melody, Eugene, Delon, BJ, Me, and Robo)
Mind Cafe Signature Ice cream
Steam Boat @ Onemo
Seriously, I sincerely thank all friends for the effort to make this 24th Birthday another chapter of events worth keeping forever.
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