Sunday, May 31, 2009

Direction?! What's Next?!

3.11am, Monday, 010609, Windy

One year had passed.
Today, last year, I officially declared ORD.
Time flies, my things had changed, apart from look, and size as shown below. But overall, the thinking and through the things that happened, in work, study, and people around me.

Another week had gone, thankfully, cos I was rather emo (emotionally troubled). My friends was pretty worried for me, especially my comments made in Facebook was noted with worried from lots of friends around me especially Ah Wang, Kel, Kai Boon, Xiu Ling, Xian Hui and Albert...etc

Thanks Ah Wang,
For the meet up on Friday night with Ah Wang ( Though some of your words are direct, but it is ok, cos almost all Cancerous are direct but truly to friends, that is why, we are truly to people in our ways, we simply dislike lies)

Thanks Kel,
I guess, U must have a great nite watching Jolin Tsai, Butterfly showcase @ Max Pavilion and the great dinner that u thought of treating me, and in the end, it was my treat! haha:D

Whatever you gone through, it is a test of our abilities of how we handle people and the things in our life!

Thanks Kai Boon, Xiu Ling, Xian Hui and Albert
Especially Kai Boon and Xiu Ling for staying behind till late 2am to listen to all the emo stuff that happened...Thanks!
I am recovering, hopefully:D

I feel that in this one year, there were a lot of opportunity wasted. Yet in return, through the obstacles that I had gone through, it just make me a better, stronger person and knowing the direction I am heading towards in the coming few years and adding to my contact list more best friend becos of my characteristics traits!

I was amazed that one of my best friends in Secondary School, Xian Hui, had found the picture (Below) that we took before I enlist for Army.

It is a evidence to people around me especially new friends whom don't believe that I am someone who used to weigh 110 kg!!

It is a fact!

The old Jeff in 2006 with my group of Secondary school friends
In the picture (Me, Albert, Xian Hui, Xiu Ling, Kai Boon)

The New Jeff 2009
In the picture (Xian Hui, Xiu Ling, Kai Boon, Albert, Me)

Time for some entertainment
Jolin Tsai had been in the entertainment industry for 10 years and she is moving strongly with her latest album from Warner Music, Butterfly.
290509 - 300509 (Jolin Tsai Singapore Promotion)

Jolin Butterfly Concert @ Max Pavilion
On Thursday, I was selected to be one of the lucky VIP to win the Jolin Tsai showcase with surprise during last week ( emo) period, this was one events that I had attended which gave me a new changes and view of seeing the hard work and effort you had placed will bring about loads of support from people around you!
Jolin Tsai had done it, she is the Chinese Pop Dancing Diva.
6 songs were sang in her "free" showcase including Real Man, Butterfly, Compromise, Sun Never Set (from Agent J album), Parachute, Accompany with Me.
Some of the pictures taken in the Jolin Tsai Butterfly showcase.
Jolin Tsai Showcase stage!
Jolin Tsai!
Jolin Tsai Butterfly Concert Poster!
Macau Express Cafe with Kel
Jolin Tsai Autograph @ Lot 1 Shoppers' Mall

Jolin Tsai first autograph session @ CCK, 7pm.
She sang 2 songs, Real Man and Compromise.
The entire Autograph ended around 9.30pm.
It was packed with lots of people and fans!

Night At The Museum 2
The start of the emo week, I catch a movie @ Vivo City on my own.
As the last time, I watched a movie on my own was 1 year ago, feeling lost thus, I just do not wish to be disturb and thus, watching a favourite movie
(though Colin promise to watch it with me, yet he watched it with his loved one) another empty promise!)
Well, those who watched Night At The Museum 1, must and should watch Night @ the Museum 2 as it is fantastic. Though the laughter is lesser, yet the storyline is reasonably great!
Rating 3.9 out of 5.

Music Review

Jing Zhang Yun Jing
Black Dress Album
She is the Champion from Chao Ji Ou Xiang ( Super Idol ) Competition @ Taiwan 2007.
She is the year best newcomer of chinese pop industry, Jing Zhang Yun Jing, first album (Gold Typhoon Music).
If you used to like Pan Mei Chen, She is simply the choice for this Generation Y!
The impressive voice that rock my world!
Recommended hits: Hai Chun Zi (Black Skirt), Po Tian Huang (Unprecedented), Pian Ai (Prejudiced Love), Gai Bu Liao ( Can't Change)
Black Shirt MV
Wilber Pan
007 Album
This is seventh album of Wilber Pan, it is also of the most expensive and highest budget so far for Wilber Pan album preparation.
Featuring AKON and Wilber Pan with his first album hits, Be With You, second recommended hits, featuring Lee Do Hai (Korean Artiste) in Wilber's MV, Shuang Ren Wu.
Overall, this is the album that you will see changes in Wilber style, his improvement in singing which no doubt the effort and the impressive cool look.
Qin Ai De ( My Dear) is my 3rd recommended hits!
007 ( Featuring AKON and Wilber Pan ...Be With You MV)
Bu Xiang Fang Shou
This is an album by Eason Chen, I was watching Entertainment news and surprising one of this songs from this album ( Bu Xiang Fang Shou) was played at the end of the show.

The title is Ren huo Zen Yang.

Featuring Eason Chen as the taxi driver in his MV, he was thinking of the different days, months and the years he wasted in his life when he was young and many changes wasted as he had used his time on stuff that he feel he should not be spending on, which he feel lost, and depressed of his life as a taxi driver, as he feel, he had been wasting half of his life on unncessary stuff which he should not...

The MV was a awake up call for me to know my direction and don't waste time on people who do not see your talent and things, or people not worth spending on if not, it will be like Eason Chen, looking lost after 20, 30 years of his life...
This is a album which I had overlooked with many great songs!

Ran Huo Zhen Yang MV
You will be inspired to work harder for the people U loved after listening to this song! Definitely!(Especially people who are lost in direction and life)

Monday, May 25, 2009

The fond and ugly memories

4.50am, Tuesday, 26/05/09, Windy
Sometimes in life, many things you will never find an answer, especially people behaviour and the complexity of the thinking of people you may or may not know.
I will say, for those who had eliminated by judging by their capability, you are not that capable too!
And for those we had work hard, but people can't see it, there are really blind or way before they are really blind in reality...
Well, there will be people who appreciate our presence and talent, the package that we had in our self, this is called personality traits.
Everyone is unique in our ways, we don't have to compromise to change for other people, be yourself, if you feel that you are unique.

On Friday, I tried to sleep well, after drinking this with a group of unknown friends of Colin.
Hmm, I will say, there are just my friend's friends so no big deal after all.
Monday (25/05/09)
Me, and 3 other friends, who are my ex-colleagues had a great time with live music @ Wala Wala.
It was a wonderful nite...
Act coughing...
On the day when I was judge to be eliminate in the circle, I was wondering my capability, but one thing for sure, my beloved Dad and God had showed me the cruel of the real world. Thus, I am not guilt of what is not done, or not perfectly done to someone expectation, at least, throughout the process, I feel that I had a hard time yet it was a test of my hardworking attitude to remain positive to all external factors everywhere and the coldness of people.
Yet in return, I gained 2 great friends, Shirley, Jardine who gave me the confidence that I can speak well, though ok only.
And Meixing, my Mentor who guide me along throughout the process and set a high standard no one can replace, as well as 2 other eating kakis, Ms M and Ms E whom I will think of and smiles as they truly made my presence worth. My ex-colleagues, Ms L and Mr G who I added them in facebook, work hard ba!
You guys can do well!
Music Review
Jolin Tsai 's Latest album, butterfly, has moved her career a new leap with outstanding sales record and her dance, which kept her popularity of her album in limelight in the entertainment news.
Upcoming promotion events:
**Butterfly Jolin Tsai Music Showcase @ Max Pavilion 8pm (Thursday) 28 May 09
**Friday autograph session @ Lot 1 (Friday) 7pm
**Saturday autograph session @ Jurong Point (Saturday) 1pm
One of the songs that I personally enjoy listening is her album 4th hits, Slow Life, yue mian yue mei li.
It is an attitude of life, and speaks of Jolin Tsai hoping to slow down her life in different areas whereby we are always rushing to complete all the things around us.
Sometimes, we should slow down our pace to enjoy every moments of life to reflect to all stuff as we only live once
The second song that I began to like the song is the title: Compromise
Are you someone who always compromise?
Or someone who want people to compromise to your request?
To find out the answer, Jolin Tsai new song, compromise, has the answer to your doubt.
Starring Ran Jing Tian in the MV, it brings lots of topics and shine to the MV especially to Ran Jing Tian and Jolin Tsai fans.
The third song that I would like to recommend is by this Hongkong Group, Farmer. They are really talented with their songs and hits, as it reflect how Hongkong fans and people living in the society view...
This song was played in Yes933, starring Ji Xing Pei (Hongkong Singer).
Title: Hua Tai Bu Tong.
You will surely enjoy the fun of the song...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

One more week

12.12am, Monday, 18/05/09, Raining
It's another raining day.
It seems that whenever I wanna go for swim or doing my self-study @ SIM or Ngee Ann, it will be raining cats and dogs, and while I am back @ work, it will be a hot and sunny day.

I am someone who loves sunny day. Maybe because of the fact that gloomy and rainy day creates a disappointing atmosphere so I began to 'dislike' such weather.
This year, seems to be having lots of changes happening, a mix of emotions, things to celebrate about and things to be troubled...
Used to be troubling about, unable to perform up to my own expectation and somehow, I am on-leave for my exam, thus I will definitely be worried if I can pick myself and the pact of the work.

@ SIM Uni. (2.22pm - 18/05/09)
I just arrived at school, Ngee Ann Poly, the usual study area was packed with people. I walked all the way to SIM, hoping to find a place, a quiet place to study.

A hungry man is a angry man...
It is true, after lunch, feeling refresh yet hopefully, this is the effect towards 11pm...
Cos it will be another late night at school...

My Poly mates and Friends and their loved ones...
Sherline and another whom dislike to be mention, I shall name her Ms L met up one week later after Sister marriage. She looked fresh and had been resting well for the entire week.

Our lunch @ Sakae Sushi was like a gossip and update session with the two ladies. Yet, this year, both my "sis" are married..For me, still single, but it is a privilege.

Wish them a happy marriage...
My best "Sister"

Desmond and Winnie
The met up @ Jurong point New York New York was planned quite some time ago, I was shocked to see Des appeared online but instead, it was Winnie who was chatting with me. Winnie and I were coordinating our efforts to celebrate for Da Xiong 's birthday.

The model husband and wife in the group, always have their ways to make each other happy, I guess, because both are willing to accept and compromise differences in life which make them such a happily, married couple.

The Birthday "boy"..."Man"..."Uncle"..."old man"?

The single and handsome Jeff...haha!

Jun Yuan and Kah Leng
The couple who always have their way to spice up their life with ...

Their relationship...hmm..Unknown!
Are they "gay"? gay =means happy!
Are they happy! Yes definitely!

My order, the best meal for the week!

The half BBQ chicken served with wedges.
Everyone ordered, Root Beer with Ice cream.

Music Review
Ru Xue Rui (kai Bu Kai Ai Wo)
可不可以爱我 (卢学睿)
One of my favourite, new song sang by Xin Guang (1) Ru Xue Rui. He was from the same competition with Yoga Lin, Aska Yang coming in 4th in the competition, however, he was the first to release his first album yet he is the most popular in terms of album sales and promoting him.

This song truly describe the kind of emotional instability of someone who unable to be loved by someone they like and still have to congratulate their loved one with someone else...

Xie An Qi, Kay Tse ( sound like Cathay...Oops!)
Huan Song hui (欢送会 - 谢安琪)

This is a canto hit which received the Best 2008 hit of the year in many Hongkong music awards. Xi te jie is the canto title.

When I first hear this song, around me, 2 colleagues are leaving, thus it does describe the kind of saying goodbye to friends whom you might miss or people that you have to depart from your circle of friends.

Just like the kind of departure from the place, the person you loved when he or she got to leave you, though the person might not be around, you have your blessing and love shared within your heart for the person.

Yet, the smile, happiness, joy and memories are the best kept memories that will stay in both...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Exams ahead

5.22pm, Tuesday, 12/05/2009, Windy
It was raining heavily while making my way to school. Today is the start of my first paper, feeling sort of relax yet tense, as this is my first paper. Thus more or less, I will be more focus to do well. However, the other 3 papers are more worried, especially Business, government, and society and Management as this are two modules, which are very difficult concepts which I feel, lots of time had to be placed in self-study.

For Management, either I did not place in lots of efforts or the tutor 's problem of not able to grab my focus and interest, while if this course is taught by Dr Kanjula, things will be different.

Though, it was declared as the exam week, and I was pleased that my company was able to allow me to take unpaid leave for my exams. And I guess, the best way to reward myself and make sure, such leaves are not wasted, is by doing well for the next 3 papers and all the papers.

On Saturday(12/05/09)

I attended one of my best poly friends wedding dinner on Saturday.

Sherline and Dennis wedding day, an important day that marks the change of status and the day they officially declared husband and wife.

Though knowing that they are getting married, I was delighted for them within me. Yet, I feel that since Sis had found the right person, as his best friend and "sister" or "brother", I should be there for the wedding, though there are other reason not to attend apart from exam and busy schedule, however, I make the move and green light to attend this reunion dinner more than a wedding to me.

Though there are many doubts of sister choice of marriage, yet as her best friend, the one and only thing is to give her my blessing and wish her a happy and smooth journey ahead.

This are the two photos that we took on Saturday. 2 classmates whom I had not met for years had appeared in sis 's wedding.

Meimei and De hua was there.

Despite, there are some stuff that occurred during the wedding, delays, some comments etc.

Yet at the end of the day, we can pleased no one, so whether or not, you enjoy the day, it is up to individual and to the couples whom might hear some stuff that day, I feel that such comments should just be comments who people make to create curiosity.

I feel pretty impressive and delighted for the couple especially, Dennis used music to warm the Sis's heart whom she might be tired after a long day

Music Review

Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) from Twins had recently released a canto album.

There is this song in chinese version which I feel, it does describe the kind of loneliness whereby you temporary lose a close friend around you, those both of you are close, yet there are distance between the both of you.

Another song which had been one of my favourite songs is by Raymond Lam from TVB and Vincy Yung .

The title of the song is After Tomorrow.

This song is about a friend, who likes each other, but did not express their love. And in the end, they are just friends, in this song, Raymond Lam giving his best friend, his best wishes as the girl choose another guy.

Though in life, you may like the person, yet, not having to be together might be even the best choice for both, as seeing someone is able to receive love and concern from the other party is better than seeing both remaining single as she is under the care and love of someone else who can promise a future for your friend or the person you used to love.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Find a reason to smile :D

2.08am, Tuesday, 05/05/2009, Windy

Recently the amount of sleep I had lessened as I am now preparing for my exam while in the day, I got to work thus I got to spread my 100% strength and energy on both areas which is a mental and physical challenge for me.

I can't believe that even in my dream, I was thinking how to type out the emails @ work, when sharing with one of my colleague, G, he was laughing all the way till the bus reached Jurong Point.

24 th May is my last day for exam, hope it will come quickly.
The road of freedom~

Hope I can do well for my exam...

Well, this year seems to be a year of changes, with friends, getting married in 2009 concluding their BGR relationship to a new leap which shocks me...but I will not do SUCH moves especially when a bright future is awaiting in 2 to 3 years time..

Two of my friends, S and L are getting married, however, I gained two new friends @ work, J and S as well as other colin's friends who might seen different yet there are nice people after all.

Well, for friends whom had made decision to get married, congrats.

The road to freedom is in my hands so I will not let anyone to grab them unless I found the right person.

Staying at home
Surfing the net and sleeping are the main activities @ home. Recently, to keep myself smiling, I had been listening and youtube-ing on MVs and some comedy videos.

The below youtube picture is an indian lady who sang twinkle twinkle little star in different versions.

If you find hard to smile, or no reason to smile due to stress, hope this link do help you to smile for a while...


This week is a long weekend though I got to work on saturday but I guess, the thursday and friday did replenish the amount of rest I needed.

This is one of the picture I took while leaving my home to buy dinner. Real amazed that such beautiful sunset can be seen.

Marina is one of the place I really like. The singapore flyer is always the best view seen with ECP and the CBD area which I just to work...or everyone rush to work, at nite, it can be a place with silent and calmness.

Dinner @ Jack Place

I can't remember when was the last time I visited Jack place for dinner, maybe N years ago, keong and his galfren, desmond, yuan, kah leng, colin and I were having dinner @ Jack place, Heeren.

Dinner is simply delicious yet it makes the journey to lose weight after meal more difficult.

Mushroom soup, the starter and my favourite!

Brownie and strawberry ice cream for desseerts...

I deserve a good treat!

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