Monday, April 27, 2009

The power of Love or Love is blind?

9.33pm, Monday, 27/04/09, Windy

The title I placed is related to the recent wedding I had attended over the weekend @ Malaysia. One of my distant cousin got married with a Malay lady on Saturday, My family and I went to Malaysia to attend the grand wedding @ KL.

It had been quite some time that I had not stepped into Malaysia for visiting and shopping. I really miss the place. Maybe because there was a period of time when I was young, I used to stay @ Malaysia thus going back KL is enjoyable and fun thing for me.

Traveling on the bus

Seriously, I haven't been sleeping very well, ever since work has started thus choosing coach to air, taking a coach down is the best choice as I will be able to sleep after the checkppoint @ Tuas Second Link to KL.

It was a 4 and a half hours journey without stopping @ Yong Peng thus travel time was reduced to the usual 5 hoours plus. There is packed lunch box served to all passengers on board and drink to choose from...
It's quite worth after all.
@ The Corus Hotel
A 3 days stay @ KL Corus Hotel. A 4 star hotel that my aunt had reserved for my family. It is cosy, comfortable and great experience staying there for the past 3 days, as I managed to use the swimming pool, gym, and steamroom.

For dinner on Friday
Dinner @ Manhanttan Fish Market restaurant. It was my first time eating Manhanttan Fish Market, I ordered the fish and chips set. I was a treat from my aunt and cousin...
Hmm...Hungry right..!

Putra (MRT card)
This is the Putra MRT card that is a single ticket which brings me lots of convenience, as before the dinner on Saturday nite, I managed to grab some time out for shopping on my own to Petailing Jaya and some other shopping Malls like Lot 10, Sungei Wang etc for a shirt and a good back massage...

On Saturday
Before heading down to Petailing Jaya, I managed to have something which is my all time favourite food, A & W meal, I missed the curly fries, coney dog and root beer.

Wedding Dinner On Saturday
The grand wedding and the main purpose of the trip is the wedding dinner. Lots of VIPs and invited guests.
Hmm...this is the second wedding that I had attended in 2009. I believe there is one more soon to come...
The blessings that the couple received from the parents, relatives and invited guests. It is different from the usual chinese wedding I had attended so far...
I managed to have a great chat and exchange msn and email with my cousins whom I seldom see them nowadays.

On Sunday Morning
The Grandpa Ba Gu tae is one of KL famous cuisine. My uncle and Aunt drove us to this coffee house which serves the best food for breakfast.
Seriously, the herbal and strong aroma enhanced the taste of the Ba Gu Tae...
It is total different from Singapore as local ones are strong in strong base without much pepper...
Well, some prefer the old taste which I will do compared to those in Singapore...

Monday, April 20, 2009

If I have more time...

12.49am, Tuesday, 21/04/09, Hot

Sometimes in life, some things are very diffcult to explain, yet times when opportunity comes, we will feel that some miracles happened either not at the right timing...

Recently, I had been learning and trying to pick up new knowledge from work and at the same, on every tuesday and thursday, I will tried to make myself refresh and mind freshly minted with the heart to learn new stuff @ school.

It had been exhausted week. 2 of my seniors@ work had left, thus the new team of 3 of us, had been trying to learn as fast as possible for new stuff as much as possible...

Yet times, in life as we grew older, we had to give up some stuff to replace for some stuff in life that we might not want. E.g. I used to go swimming or sun-tanning...once a week now... hmm~~

This week on Saturday

It was a re-treat for me, I invited Colin to go for Joey Yung concert @ Max Pavillion, Saturday, 18/04/09. I used to like canto-pop thus, that is the reason why I choose this concert to Lee Brothers concert, and another reason being, this is Joey Yung first concert @ Singapore, thus she is worth the time she spent on saturday to watch her live.
It was packed with many fans, the concert tickets were more than 90% sold.
The best part of the concert was there were many surprises, though Joey 's mandarin is not her best language, yet she tried her best to translate her words to both canto and mandarin for Singapore fans...
The best part of the concert are the classic medley and remix medly
Other songs include 我的骄傲, 痛爱,华丽邂逅, 这分钟更爱你 etc are really classic..
Chinese songs like 小小, 弃权, 独照, 习惯你
I guess the part which show Joey is really putting effort is the 2 songs that she sang, songs by Yanzi and Tanya Chua ( Beautiful love)

The start of the week, which I feel sian... cos Monday is the day after that...

Every week, I tried to hit the gym with Colin to exercise and re-treat to keep myself as fit as possible. Maybe of the chemical effect, thus I feel refresh after exercise. Well, sometimes after gym, I will have dinner with Colin or go bach home to take away dinner for the family.
Music Review
The first CD that I had brought this year is Joey Yung starlight Hongkong Live. It is the best compilation of Joey 's concert starlight live @ Hongkong...
It is really worth the it has 3 cd of the songs sang by Joey in her concert...
4 out of 5 for the album

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


1.14am, Tuesday, 150409, Hot
Just as half of Singapore population are slept and be ready for school and work. I am typing out my assignment and trying ways and means to ensure that this TMA will be alright before submission.
This is the only TMA assignment I am left with...hopefully, I can conclude it tomorrow.

If only, I have more time...

More time to sleep, more time to study and more time for outdoor activities and other stuff...

@ Last friday (170409)
It was a long weekend for most of us, I was really spending the morning and noon to follow up on my 3 assignments and thankfully, I was left with only 1 to submission which the deadline is on this coming Friday.

It was a re-treat with my friends, Patrick, Adelene, Selene and with Adelene's brother, Anderson. We meet up for dinner @ Vivo City and after dinner, we sat down to chat about about year end plans which I was really looking forward too....

Sun-tan, Massage, spa etc.....

Sometimes, I do hope, life will always be great times and smiles from people around u. I does not say, people are not smiling, but definitely, laughing is lesser as everyone is stressed with work and my other commitments which we stopped and limit us to smiles, unless we are out of the situation....

Hope life will be better though I feel that there are many things for me to learn, and I hope with the level of trust and friends around me and their guidance will lead me on...further and smooth to the road of success....:D
On Saturday
KTV session with Jun yuan, Kah Leng, wei keong and Colin and makan session @ Chinatown area with this group of friends, it was an enjoyable day...Lots of laughter and updates from each other...
We had not been singing for long time.
I guess, Yoga song is definitely one of my top 1 list songs selecton list and I did tried songs by Su Yong Kang, Elva, Jolin songs eventually to heat up the spirits of the KTV room and songs by other artistes.
On Sunday
As usual, a gym day for me with my gym mate, Colin and his friend....

Music review
Recently, Liang Wen Ying song has warmed my heart especially her voice. For this week, I would to recommend her album and her song. A bit of introduction about Liang Wen Ying, she is from the popular star search singing competition 超级星光大道 2. She came in 2nd and was given a contract to begin her singing career....

She has the talent and I believe with the right advertising promotion, she will be the next big star in town...
Overall, this album was able to show fans Liang Wen Ying abilities in her singing and ways of presentation did warm my hearts to hear her albums, even on radio stations.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

One of the songs that I really like

歌曲名称: 可以不爱了
歌手姓名: 梁文音
专辑名称: 爱的诗篇

梁文音 - 可以不爱了


























































这一次我可以 我努力要自己避开












你可以不爱了 别说舍不得

Monday, April 6, 2009


12.10am, Monday, 070409, Windy

The things in life that motivate me to work harder or strive for the best...

Recognition? Monetary award?

For myself, I am someone who basically find chance if possible to exercise during the weekend. For some of my friends @ SIM and even some close friends, I had been feeling exhausted and frustrated with my management assignment.

How I hope my tutor for management is the similar to organisational behaviour...I miss her and her class, Dr Kajula! U rocks!~

Well, for the upcoming days, I shall be busy with some stuff which I feel worth my time and effort learning and as mentor are willing to teach me, and the environment I was at, is really worth doing so!

I will prove myself, as I was given the chance and now, it is time to perform my best as I had been resting really long...

And not to let anyone down... even though the journey I am uncertain how long I will take or stay, yet as I was not alone, thus me and the other new friend shall move forward together to learn and pick up new stuff as we go along....

During weekend
Gary is back in Singapore. Xiuling, kai boon and I arranged to meet up in a rush, thus we simply have dinner @ East Coast. I guess, the pictures speaks louder than words.

My favourite chicken wings and samba fish...

No prawns as we know now tiger prawns are very expensive and very sensitive issue few weeks ago. I guess, doing some homework of knowing the current quote price before we act, in order not to be disappointed...


@ Fabulous Pub
I believe this place will be another hang out place for me and some close friends of mine. I feel that the place is comfortable as it is a open-ktv concept, whereby you selected the song/s to sing and wait for your opportunity...

This is the second time of the month, I had gone down to chill with my friends and have fun together....

The shirt I am wearing- I gots to drink!~ *3


Music Review

The chinese music had been overwhelmed with Queen diva, Jolin Tsai new album, Butterfly.

Personally, as a Jolin supporter, it is not the best album that Jolin has proved herself. Maybe of marketing, or her Warnermusic are still finding her new direction, it seems Warner music does not know the direction that Jolin career is heading towards.

I miss her past albums

Kian Wo 72 bian album(2003)- Sony Music
Palace album- Sony Music
J-Game album- Sony Music

Dancing Diva(2006)-EMI
Dancing Forever(2006) -EMI
Agent J album(2007)- EMI

She had truly prove herself as Asian best female singer especially during her years, between 2006-2009, she was awarded MTV best female vocal because of her Dancing Diva album...

I hope her new record company, Warner music will not destroy Jolin Tsai reputation and her singing career, especially in her album selections of songs, it was a disappointment that there are 4 hits from butterfly album are from originally english hits...

That is indeed to many...

Elva Hsiao singing career was almost destroy during her years in Warner music with a 3 years wait, 1087 album, yet the response...hmm...

I hope her record company can benchmark their best marketing tactics and the years of carving Sammi Singing career in Warner music early days, I was really successful...

Overall rating

Songs recommended>>>

妥協 (Compromise)
大丈夫(Real Man)

影舞者(Shadow Dancer)








i don't want a boyfriend

I need a real man




i don't want a boyfriend

I need a real man real man real man real man

何時出現 何時出現 何時出現



i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

誠實的嘴 可靠的肩 溫柔的眼

i don't want a boyfriend

I need a real man

real man real man real man real man

可會出現 可會出現 可會出現







lust show me one real man十項全男 

real man

i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

誠實的嘴 可靠的肩 溫柔的眼

i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

real man real man real man real man

i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

誠實的嘴 可靠的肩 溫柔的眼

i don't want a boyfriend

i need a real man

real man real man real man real man
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