Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Courage Diary - Episode 1

Life is full of unpredicted events.

On February 18, 2011 (Friday), I would comment it as a day with dual events related to me is "on-going" at the same time of my life.
It is my best friend, brother, Desmond and his wife, Winnie's wedding day.

However you can say, certain dates in life, many things are unavoidable. As planned to be able to attend their Chinese customary wedding ceremony, yet, it was pushed forward due to some changes. Yet, I managed to assist my best friend in a minor proportion of the wedding ceremony.

On the road to SGH(Singapore General Hospital) to do the Bilateral inferior turbinoplasty surgery, I sent a sms greeting to Desmond wishing him that everything will run smoothly and within minutes, a reply to wish that my operation will be smooth.
I hate needles poking my skin especially 2 weeks before my surgery, I had gone to the pre-admission and same-day admission clinic, and autologous clinic to do a full body check up and several blood tests. In total, 2 pacs of 300ml blood was donated in event of lost of blood occurred, and to avoid transmitting blood from the available source, to lessen the side effects.

Dr Lye, Dr Natharee and his team from SGH was professional to ease the troubled mind and worrying thoughts away from me. As he knew it was my first time going through a major operation and it will be a long one, estimated 8 - 9 hours from 10 till 6pm. The heart began to pound doubled when the 13 operating theatre lights were flashing on my face, I knew I will be "put to sleep" for this time.

The last discussion I had with one of the staff was," What is the food you missed?"
"Cha kuey teow"?!

Just as I wanted to give a reply, I was unconscious...
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